WHITCOMB%KOBOT@VENUS.YCC.YALE.EDU ("whitcomb%kobot.decnet@yale-venus.arpa") (04/11/88)
-------------------------------- Transputer Board Set For Real-Time Digital Motion Control. -------------------------------- The Yale Robotics Laboratory has been using the INMOS Transputer family for real-time motion control applications for two years. We have developed, as a tool for the laboratory, a control node which is computationally powerful and also accommodates the specific device-I/O, electrical isolation, and prototyping demands of real-time motion control development. Our design objectives were the following: 1. Floating Point >= 1 Megaflop/Node. 2. Simple inter-node I/O for distributed architectures. 3. Fast I/O bus for local devices or ASICs. 4. Mature development environment. 5. Low cost. The Transputer was our cpu choice; its unique hardware satisfies items 1 and 2. The INMOS TDS meets the needs of item 4. Integrating the transputer into a compact board set provides for items 3 and 5. Specifically, the boards provide for the following: Motherboard: - Single extended eurocard form factor (small.) - Support for one T4/T8. - 128K byte fast static ram. - Power and link connections compatible with INMOS products. - Fiber optic link support. User configurable. - Full bus connection to I/O board. I/O Board: - Single extended eurocard form factor; piggy-back on motherboard. - Fully buffered and latched bi-directional I/O bus interface. - Memory mapped bi-directional control lines for device control. - Cpu interrupt. - Prototyping area. - Bus-rate ASIC interface option. - Separate analog and digital power distribution, various voltages. We will be happy to send copies of a paper, which we are presenting at the OUG, to interested parties. Please send us your postal mail address. ARPA: whitcomb%kobot.decnet@yale-venus BITNET: whitcomb%kobot.decnet@yalevms U.S. MAIL: Louis L. Whitcomb Yale Robotics Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering 2157 Yale Station New Haven, Ct 06520-2157