rcojh@gecko.rmit.oz (John Hulskamp) (05/12/88)
Reminder: AUSTRALIAN TRANSPUTER AND OCCAM USER GROUP CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION 23 & 24 JUNE 1988 PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME AND REGISTRATION FORM GLASSHOUSE THEATRE ROYAL MELBOURNE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 124 La Trobe Street MELBOURNE 3000 AUSTRALIA In conjunction with Hawk Electronics Pty. Ltd., the Centre for Advanced Technology in Telecommunications within the Department of Communication and Electronic Engineering at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, is holding a Conference/Exhibition which will provide an opportunity to focus on the latest developments of parallel processing using transputers, developments in the transputer family, the language support for transputer systems and applications, and to formally establish an Australian Transputer and OCCAM User Group. A special feature of the Conference will be presentations from INMOS personnel involved in the engineering of the transputer family at Bristol, U.K., Colorado Springs, U.S.A. and Tokyo, Japan. FURTHER INFORMATION Information about the Conference/Exhibition can be obtained from Mr John Hulskamp, of the Department of Communication and Electronic Engineering, at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, G.P.O. Box 2476V, MELBOURNE 3001 AUSTRALIA, either by letter, or telephone on (03) 660-2453, (03) 660-2090 or by e-mail at rcojh@gecko.rmit.oz. "INMOS, IMS and occam are trademarks of the INMOS Group of Companies" PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME OUTLINE Thursday 23 June 1988 0900-1000 Registration and Welcome 1000-1030 Transputer Developments 1030-1100 Morning Tea 1100-1230 Transputer Applications to Image Processing 1230-1400 LUNCH 1400-1530 Transputer Arrays and Networks 1530-1600 Afternoon Tea 1600-1730 Demonstrations 1900-2300 CONFERENCE DINNER Friday 24 June 1988 0900-1030 INMOS Perspectives 1030-1100 Morning Tea 1100-1230 Transputer Applications 1230-1400 LUNCH 1400-1500 PANEL DISCUSSION: Future Directions 1500-1530 Role and Function of User Group 1530-1600 Afternoon Tea 1600-1630 Conference close EXHIBITION In conjunction with the Conference, an exhibition will demonstrate the latest equipment being developed with the transputer family. Hawk Electronics Pty. Ltd will also provide a demonstration of the computer graphics capabilities of the transputer family using an IBM PC/AT facility incorporating multi-transputer boards. USER GROUP One outcome of the Conference will be the formal establishment of an Australian Transputer and OCCAM User Group, whose purpose will be to provide a medium of exchange of information among users of the INMOS transputer and its associated language, OCCAM. -------------------------------------------------------------------- AUSTRALIAN TRANSPUTER AND OCCAM USER GROUP CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION 23 & 24 JUNE 1988 PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME AND REGISTRATION FORM GLASSHOUSE THEATRE ROYAL MELBOURNE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 124 La Trobe Street MELBOURNE 3000 AUSTRALIA Name: Organisation: Address: Telephone: CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE CONFERENCE FEE (If received before 10 June 1988) $A195.00 (Fee covers Conference/Exhibition, morning and afternoon tea, lunches and Conference Dinner) Late fee $A 20.00 GUESTES FOR DINNER: @ $A30.00 per Guest $A TOTAL: $A MAKE CHEQUES or ORDERS PAYABLE TO: Centre for Advanced Technology in Telecommunications Department of Communication and Electronic Engineering Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology G.P.O. Box 2476V, MELBOURNE 3001 AUSTRALIA