[comp.sys.transputer] Use of CSP/Transputer framework in Human Factors Research

shafto@eos (Michael Shafto) (06/01/88)

While I was at ONR I heard two or three lectures concerning the CSP work
at Oxford.  I have tried to follow this work -- I have the CSP book by
Hoare, a couple of books on Occam (including the one by Geraint Jones), and
I've seen the recent "Laws of Programming" article in CACM.

I also have a fairly large set of lecture notes, most I believe
due to Bill Roscoe.

We here at the NASA Aerospace Human Factors Research Division are
interested in the use of CSP in modeling human-machine systems, and
also in the potential of transputer-based systems in designing and
building simulators for various kinds of aerospace task environments.

I am interested in getting an update on the CSP work -- more recent
technical reports especially concerning the efforts to extend the
algebraic work to include continuous time and stochastic processes.

My mailing address is

Dr. Michael G. Shafto
Assistant Chief (Research)
Aerospace Human Factors Research Division
Code FL, NASA-Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA   95120

Also, I would be grateful for any information on others in the US or UK
who might be pursuing human-machine interaction modeling or simulation
using the CSP/Occam/Transputer framework.  I am aware of one effort,
by Dr. Art Farley at the University of Oregon.
