[comp.sys.transputer] Transputer Support Centre Announcement

TSC@vax1.esprit.southampton.ac.UK (06/14/88)

              University of Southampton & SERC/DTI


The  Transputer  Support Centre at Southampton will  be  formally 
Open  as  of  24th June 1988,  after  9  months  of  'unofficial' 
ativities.   At  the same time the INMOS B001260 machine will  be 
commissioned!   This  is a large array of 1260 T212  transputers, 
and is on long-term loan to the Centre from INMOS.  Our intention 
is  to make this unique machine available for the first  time  to 
the  T-using  public,   along  with  the  other  systems  already 
available  to our customers for use at the Centre  (INMOS,  MEIKO 
M10 and an ESPRIT totally reconfigurable prototype machine).

                    New Course Announcements

                    "Applying the Transputer"
                     1/2 day seminar - Free!

This event  is  intended  to introduce  the  potential  user  of 
transputer  technology  to the transputer and  its  capabilities.  
The seminar will consist of a number of talks and demonstrations, 
followed by a question and answer session.

                      "Occam 2 Programming"
                 3 days - 400.00 pounds inc. VAT

Includes  lectures and hands-on experience of occam2  programming 
using the INMOS TDS or the MEIKO MDS environments.   The  lecture 
course  covers  use  of TDS or MDS,  the basic  Occam  2  syntax, 
including parallelism (on single or multi-transputer systems) and 
debugging.   Programming  exercises tackled in parallel with  the 
lectures  provide a step-by-step introduction to the problems  of 
parallel computing and solutions using the occam2 language.

         "Occam 2 for Distributed Software Engineering"
                 3 days - 400.00 pounds inc. VAT.

This  course  is  based  around a  series  of  lectures  covering 
advanced  Occam  2  programming  techniques.    Includes   design 
paradigms,  advanced library usage, deadlock and termination, and 
transputer  implementation  of occam2.   Also  covered  are  some 
formal aspects of parallel programming with reference to software 


28th June:          "Applying the Transputer"
5-7th July:         "Occam 2 Programming"
27th September:     "Applying the Transputer"
3-5th October:      "Occam 2 Programming"
18-2-th October:    "Occam 2 for Distrib. Software Eng."

For full information on these courses and  registration,  contact 
Charlie Askew or Mike Surridge:

                    Tel: 0703-760834/5
                    email: TSC@UK.AC.SOTON.ESP.V1