The University of Waikato has vacancies at both lecturer and senior lecturer level in the Department of Computer Science. The Department has strong research interests in parallel processing, especially using transputers, and would be very glad to hear from potential applicants with experience in this area. Applicants should have a PhD in Computer Science or a related subject, or extensive industrial experience. Please make preliminary enquiries to Dr Ian Graham, Chairman, Department of Computer Science, University of Waikato, Private Bag, Hamilton, New Zealand. e-mail: (JANET) : (via CSNET) fax: +64 71 60135 tel (Univ): +64 71 62889 ext 8204 (home): +64 71 65416 Remember that NZ time = GMT + 12hrs Salary: Lecturer $NZ35,000 - 42,500 (bar) 44,000 - 46,000 SL $NZ49,000 - 57,000 (bar) 59,000 - 63,000 $NZ1 = $US0.61 = 0.36 pence sterling, but these exchange rates fluctuate rapidly. The University is an Equal Oportunity/Affirmative action employer. New Zealand immigration policy does not discriminate on grounds of racial origin or religion. However, an upper age limit may be applied, and health checks are required. Details can be obtained from your nearest NZ consulate. Ian Graham