[comp.sys.transputer] Parsytec Transputer Product Demo in Connecticut.

WHITCOMB%KOBOT@VENUS.YCC.YALE.EDU ("whitcomb%kobot.decnet@venus.ycc.yale.edu") (09/21/88)


  I post the following item on behalf of Parsytec:

  Parsytec will give a seminar/demo of their line of Transputer based MIMD
machines for Sun/VME/Mac/PC hosts. 
  The INMOS T800 Transputer is a 32 bit risc cpu with hardware support for 
message passing, a 1.5 Mflop on-chip fpu, four bidirectional 20 MHZ serial 
links, and several other goodies.  

  Location: Holiday Inn
            Milford, Connecticut USA
            (Exit 39b on I-95)

  Date:     Wednesday 28 September 1988
  Time:     8:30-11:00 and 1:30-4:00
  Contact:  Gary McNeil
            A.D. Electronics