[comp.sys.transputer] Transputers in Macs for instruction

enbody@cpswh.cps.msu.edu (Dr Richard Enbody) (10/15/88)

Problem: I want to establish an undergraduate parallel programming course.

Possible Solution: Buy Transputer boards for MacII's.

  (1) I know that MacII boards are available, but
	  (a) How many Transputers can you put in a MacII? 
		  (I'd like 16.  I realize that 16 might mean skimping
		   on memory, but my goal is to have students explore
		   as much parallelism as possible as opposed to doing
		   production work.)
	  (b) Does anyone have a ballpark figure for cost?
		  (I need to make a proposal this week.  In addition,
		   floating point is nice, but not necessary.  However,
		   I want to consider the faster (800?) Transputer-
		   after all, we are interested in exploring speed.)

  (2) For an undergraduate class I want a stable, reliable
	  system so enough hardware is available for the students
	  to get their assignments done.  How reliable are 
	  the Transputers and their boards?  Is there any 

  (3) Does anyone have experience with an undergraduate programming
	  class on Transputers?  What special problems did you

  (4) What is the programming environment?  I know about Hoare's CSP,
	  but have never programmed in Occam.  The concept of Occam
	  is fine with me; but, facing reality in the USA,
	  is something like an extended C available for the Transputer?
	  If so, is that a reasonable approach?

Thank you for your help.
- rich enbody