[comp.sys.transputer] Long link cables

MJP@vaxb.roe.ac.uk (11/16/88)

Does anyone have figures on the performance of links implemented over long 
twisted pair link cables (>15m) or fibre-optic links?  There is presumably
a point at which the propagation delay down the cable delays the 
despatching of the acknowledge bits sufficiently that the data transfer 
rate starts to drop.  I've had a look in Rygol & Watson "Connecting Inmos 
Links", but while there are design notes and guidelines, there's nothing 
about hard, bitter experience!  

All and any info gratefully appreciated,

Magnus Paterson,
Royal Observatory, Edinburgh

orr@helios.toronto.edu (Bob Orr) (11/22/88)

>> concerning long link cables.

My colleague, Wolfgang Voegel ( of Uni Hamburg ), has done some tests
on long link cables. Config is T800 and Parsytec Drivers:

	Cable Length		Transfer Rate
	 (metres)		 ( Mbytes/sec)
	--------		-------------
	0 - 5			> 1.53
	5 - 10			  1.42
	10 - 15			1.32
	15 - 20			1.25
	20 - 25			1.17
	25 - 30			1.11
	30 - 35			1.04
	35 - 40 		1.00	
	40 - 45			0.95
	45 - 50			0.90