[comp.sys.transputer] Transputer efficiency, GRAIL

denis@gec-rl-hrc.co.uk (denis) (12/02/88)

GRAIL (Graphical Representation of Activity, Interconnection and Loading)
is one of the software tools being developed by GEC Marconi Research
Centre as part of their contribution to the Alvey project ParSiFal
(Parallel Simulation Facility). GRAIL shows "hot" and "cold" spots in
programs, communication load on links and bottlenecks using colour
graphics, primarily on Sun workstations.

For further information, contact Mr. Nick Lockett or Dr. Susan Stepney
at Marconi Research Centre +44 (245) 73331. I hope to visit MRC on
15/12/88 and will subsequently try to get something more posted to the
net about ParSiFal and GRAIL.
| Denis Howe                          uunet!mcvax!ukc!gec-rl-hrc!denis |
| G15  GEC Hirst Research Centre          ___   denis@uk.co.gec-rl-hrc |
| East La. Wembley  MDDX  HA9 7PP  UK    |@ @|        +44 (1) 908 9220 |