[comp.sys.transputer] Who said there was no hard- or software for the transputer ? The new

PVR%bgerug51.earn@NSS.CS.UCL.AC.UK (Patrick Van Renterghem / Transputer Lab) (03/01/89)

Hello again,
Here is the new address list of transputer hardware and software manufacturers
as promised. Look in Inmos' White Pages to see more information on a few of
these companies. If anyone spots mistakes in the list or omissions from it, let
me know. I am not responsible for any typing errors in this address list. David,
grab it from the list and put it on your server. Enjoy !
AG Electronics,                         Alan Garrett
Farleigh House, Frome Rd,               +44 2216 6867
Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts BA15 1LE
-- QTM's fast disk interface
AI Ltd.
Greycaine Road,                         +44  923 247 707
Hertfordshire WD2 4JP                   strand88@ail.co.uk
-- Strand88 language
Akebia Ltd,
Lever House, 3 St. James Road,          +44 1 546 4908
Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey KT1 2BA    Fax: +44 1 549 8035
-- analog/digital boards
Alsys Ltd.,
Partridge House, Newton Road,           +44 491 579 090
Henley-on-Thames RG9 1EN
-- Ada compiler for Transputers (avail. mid 1989)
Apollo Computer,                        Bruno Boeniger,
Puenten 4,                              +41 1/835 77 77
CH-8602 Wangen, Switzerland             Fax: +41 1/835 77 88
-- responsible for Apollo's development system
Aptor Industrial Communications Products
Zirst 38240 Meylan, France              +33 76 90 20 03
-- parallel logical simulator
Archipel S.A.,                          Alain Rosset
9, Avenue de Rhone,                     +33 50 52 87 32
74000 Annecy, France                    Fax: +33 50 ???
-- distributor of CSA in France, manufacturer of Volvox hard&soft on Apollo,
-- PC, VME, MacII
Arcobel,                                Tony Picard
Terlindenhofstraat 36, bus 7,           +32 3 646 70 48
2060 Merksem-Antwerpen                  Tlx: 73026
-- distributor Parsytec products in Belgium     Fax: +32 3 646 45 12
Artificial Intelligence Limited
Greycaine Road, Watford                 +44 923 247707
Hertfordshire WD2 4JP                   Fax: +44 923 247 836
Great Britain
-- Lisp/Prolog/AI/Expert system company that will offer STRAND on transputers
Atari Benelux,                          Ruud Van Nispen
PB 70,                                  +31 34 737 7272
4130 EB Vianen                          Fax: +31 34 ???
-- the Atari ABAQ Transputer system
Brainware GmbH                          Joachim Stender
Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25                   +49 30 463 30 48
D-1000 Berlin 65                        Fax: +49 469 46 49
West Germany
-- CS-Prolog for multitransputer systems, expert system shells, ZENO, ...
-- UK: Densitron Computers, Biggin Hill, Kent TN16 3BW, +44 959 763 31
Cambridge Consultants,                  Adrian Cockcroft, Sean Martin,
Science Park,                           +44 223 358 855
Cambridge CB4 4DW                       Email: stc!idec!camcon!anc@ukc.uucp
-- consultancy, custom solutions
Cambridge RISC Machines,                Mike Hudson, Simon Roberts
26, Mill Road,                          +44 223 350 405
Cambridge CB1 2AD                       Fax: +44 223 662 74
-- Eurocard Transputer boards and systems for VME and STEbus and PC
Caplin Cybernetics Corporation,         Dave Cornwell,
Poplar Business Park,                   +44 1 538 1716
10 Prestons Road,
London E14 9RL                          Fax: 1 538 4151
-- plug-in boards for MicroVAX II
Cesys GmbH,                             Herr Kraus
Henkestrasse 8,
8520 Erlangen, Germany
-- Euroboards with serial and parallel I/O, C cross compiler
Cogent Research,                        Wm Leler, Benjamin R. Peek,
1100 NW Compton Drive,                  Tel: +1 503 690-1450
Beaverton, Oregon 97006-6998            Fax: +1 503 690-1344
-- T-based workstation with Linda and PIX (NeWs compatible), wm@cse.ogc.edu
Concurrent Techniques,                  Leon Heller
30, Baldslow Road,                      +44 424 714790
East Sussex TN34 2EY
-- low-cost Transputer systems
Control-C software,                     Michael Drewry
9205 S.W. Gemini Drive, Suite A,        +1 503 641-8128
Beaverton OR 97005, US
-- CCS-Page Postscript interpreter
Cornell University,                     Greg Burns, Linda Morris
Cornell Theory Center,                  +1 (607) 255-8686
265 Olin Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-5201    Email: gdburns@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu
-- Trollius operating system for FPS T-Series, Niche and Topologix
CSA Computer System Architects,         Glen Lowry
950 N. University Avenue,               (801) 374 2300
Provo, Utah 84604, US
-- manufacturer of Transputer boards. Email: csa@adam.byu.edu
Definicon Systems,
Cloisters Business Centre,              +44 1 622 0704
8 Battersea Park Road,                  Fax: +44 1 498 2974
London SW8 4AA
-- PC plug in boards, C compiler
-- Southern Europe: Michel Dubuy, B.P. 69, 91303 Massy Cedex, +33 1 69 30 70 00
--                  Fax: +33 (1) 69 30 72 00
-- US: 1100 Business Center Circle, Newbury Park, CA 91320, +1 805 499-0652
-- Germany: Edelsbergstrasse 8, 8000 Munchen 21, Tel: +49 89 572 062
Distributed Software Ltd.,
670 Aztec West,                         +44 454 612 777
Bristol BS12 4SD,                       Fax: +44 454 618 188
-- distributors of Helios
DOIT,                                   c/o Heinz Ebert
Im Heidgen 3,                           +49 22 47 69263
D-5206 Neunkirchen-Seelscheid 2
-- Chairman of German Occam User Group
EDC GmbH Elektronik Design Center
Taunusstrasse 51,                       +49 89 350 7076
8000 Muenchen 40, West-Germany          Fax: +49 89 359 6180
-- cheap transputer boards, VME, Unibus, Q-bus interface, ISML library
Eidolon Ltd.,                           Tony Applebey
South Bank Techno Park,                 +44 1 922 8822
90 London Road,
London, SE1 6LN
-- RIP hard- and software
51 Clarence Road,                       +44 753 830 017
Windsor, Berkshire SL4 5AX              Fax: +44 753 864 358
-- transputer training courses
Flight Electronics Ltd.,
Flight House, Ascupart Street,          +44 703 227721
Southampton SO1 1LU                     Fax: +44 703 330039
-- Transputer Training System
Floating Point Systems UK Ltd.,         Bruce Jones
Apex House, London Road,                +44 344 56 921
Berks RG12 2TE
-- T-series, transputer plug-in boards for VAX
-- France: 3 bis, Rue Le Corbusier, Silic 243, 94568 Rungis Cedex, (1) 687 25 22
Gemini Computer Systems Ltd.,
Springfield Road,                       +44 494 791010
Chesham, Bucks HP5 1PW                  Tlx: 837788
-- plug-in boards for PC
Gems of Cambridge Ltd.,                 A. Gibson
Unit J1, 347 Cherry Hinton Road,        +44 223 214 958
Cambridge CB1 4DH
-- real time image processing with software for Sun or Apollo
Hawke Components
Amotex House,                           Tel: +44 1 979 7799
45 Hanworth Road,                       Fax: +44 932 787 333
Sunbury on Thames,
Middlesex TW16 5DA
-- components, boards, development systems
HEMA                                    Manfred Helzle
Roentgenstr. 31                         Tel +49 7361 44031
D-7080 Aalen, West Germany
-- transputer-based control systems, low-cost transputer boards
-- low-level transputer software & utilities
High-Tech Services Partners (HSP),      Georges Masarik
12, rue de la Pleiade,                  +33 (1) 30 56 69 91
78590 Noisy-le-Roi, France              Tlx: 699825 ospfra
-- distributor of Parsytec in France
Hybrid Memory Products Ltd.,            Ian Robinson
Elm Road, West Chirton Industrial Estate +44 91 258 0690
North Shields, Tyne & Wear, NE29 8SE    Fax: +44 91 259 0997
-- TRAM modules
Humelec Informatique,                   Jean-Yves Riviere
ZA Courtaboeuf,                         +33 64 46 65 65
521 Local Quebec,                       Tlx: 681 033 f
91946 Les Ulis Cedex
-- technical assistance, custom solutions, consultancy, training courses
IMPULS Computer-Systeme GmbH & CO KG    Herbert Widner
Jochen-Rindt-Strasse 9                  Tel +43 222 616 2401 0
A-1232 Wien                             Fax +43 222 616 2401 13
Austria                                 Telex (Austria) 116412 impul a
-- graphics supercomputers (up to approx. 400 transputers)
Inducom Systems,                        Erik Treffers
PB 627,                                 +31 4120 41922
5340 AP Oss
-- Distributor of Protheus and Definicon in the Benelux
Industrial Development Bangor (UCNW)    E.D. Jones
Dean Street, Bangor, Gwynadd,           +44 248 351 151 ext. 2748/49
Wales LL57 1UT                          Fax: +44 248 361 429
-- AD and DA boards
Inmos SARL,                             Alain Charpentier, Jean-Michel Breton
Immeuble Monaco                         +33 1 46 87 22 01
7, rue Le Corbusier,                    Tlx: 201222
SILIC 219, 94518 Rungis Cedex
-- responsible for North Europe
-- UK: 1000 Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol BS12 4SQ, (0454) 616 616
--     Colin Whitby-Strevens: colin@inmos.uucp, Roger Sheperd: roger@inmos.uucp
Intelligent Systems International,      Eric Verhulst
Zavelstraat 142,                        +32 16 25 95 86
3200 Kessel-Lo
-- distributor of CSA, Meiko and Concurrent Techniques in Belgium
Intercept                               John Smallbone, Tom Lake,
352 A Bath Road,                        +44 6286 4043
Slough Berks SL1 6JA                    Fax: +44 6286 4534
-- Forge, Fortran dependency analysis
Kodak Company (Eastman - ),             Ronald S. Cok,
Digital Technology Center,              +1 716 477-3061
Research Labs,
Rochester, New York 14650
-- graphics workstation
Kuma Computers Ltd.,
12 Horseshoe Park,                      +44 7357 4335
Pangbourne, Berks,
-- Atari development system
Lemaire/Rodelco,                        Willem Lens,
Limburg Stirum 243,                     +32 2 460 05 60
1080 Wemmel, Belgium                    Fax: +32 460 02 71
-- current distributor of Inmos in Belgium
Lemni,                                  Walter De Backer
Tweehuizenstraat 57,                    +32 2 720 96 57
1140 Brussels,                          Tlx: 23238
-- distributors of Microway in Belgium
Levco,                                  Charles Allen
6160 Lusk Boulevard, Suite C-100,       +1 619 457 2011
San Diego CA 92121, US                  Fax: +1 619 457-2325
-- Transputer boards for Macintosh SE and Mac II
Logica Technical Centre,                Paul Bentley, Tim Hoverd
104 Hills Road (Betjeman House),        +44 223 66 343
Cambridge CB2 1LQ                       Fax: +44 ???
-- TDS for Sun-3
Logical Systems,                        Kirk Bailey,
P.O. Box 1702,                          +1 (503) 753-9051
Corvallis, OR 97339                     Email: bailey@mist.cs.orst.edu
-- C compiler, network loader for PC and Sun
LPKF CAD/CAM Systems GmbH,              Bernt Hildebrandt
Scheffelstrasse 17,
3000 Hannover 1, West-Germany
-- autorouting software for PCB development
Maxwell Technology Ltd,
4 Lower Farm Close,                     +44 865 727 757
Shabbington, Aylesbury,
Bucks HP18 9HG, UK
-- Compass cross assembler
Mechanical Intelligence,
922 Grange Hill Road,                   619 436-1455
Cardiff, CA 92007
-- plug-in boards for Mac
Megabyte Computers Inc.,                Kevin Henderson
109 West Bay Area,                      +1 713 338-2231
Webster TX 77598, US
-- Kuma's KMAX Atari interface board
Meiko,                                  David Barr, Duncan Roweth
P.O. Box 323,                           +44 454 616 171
Bristol BS99 7XD, UK                    Fax: +44 454 ...
-- The Computing Surface, a reconfigurable supercomputer
-- Duncan Roweth: egnp36@meiko.ed.ac.uk
-- Ned.: David Barr, Meiko, Den Haag, +31 70 520 954
-- U.S.: Meiko Inc., 6201 Ascot Drive, Oakland CA 94611, (415) 530-3055
Metracomco Ltd,
P/C 26 Portland Square,
Bristol B52 8R2
-- Occam 1 implementation for Atari ST, folding editor
Microport International,                Ian Richmond,
Hertfordshire Business Centre,          +33 727 237 37 (???)
Alexander Road, London Colney,
Hertfordshire AL2 1JG,
-- UNIX for transputers
Microway Europe Ltd,
32 High Street,                         +44 1 541 5466
Kingston-Upon-Thames,                   Tlx: 9413790 mcrway g
Surrey KT1 1HL, England
-- MultiPuter, PC plug-in boards: Monoputer, Quadputer, Videoputer
-- US: P.O. Box 79, Kingston MA 02634, +1 617 746-7341
NAG Ltd.,                               John Piper
Mayfield House, 256 Banbury Road,       +44 865 511 245
Oxford, Oxon OX2 7DE
-- NAG scientific library
National Transputer Support Center,     Roger England
Sheffield Science Park,                 +44 742 730443
Arundel Street,
Sheffield S1 2NS                        ntc@primea.sheffield.ac.uk
-- the name says it all
Nexis Technology,                       Jim Stewart
14 Clausentum Road,                     +44 703 637 819
Southampton SO2 0RZ
-- Windows File Server for PC
Niche Technology Ltd.,                  Neil Burnett
Ropemaker Court,                        +44 272 298034
11-12 Lower Park Row,
Bristol BS1 5BN                         Email: pje@niche.uucp (Patrick Evans)
-- Plug-in boards for Sun, 3L C compiler, PRE
-- Now marketed by Transtech
Nth Graphics Ltd,                       Fred Hudson,
Austin Texas,                           +1 (512) 832-1944
-- graphics board now, PS/2 plug-in board Q1 1989. chris%nth.uucp@cs.utexas.edu
Paracom Inc,
Bldng 9, Unit 60,                       +1 312 293-9500
245 W. Roosevelt Rd,                    Fax: +1 312 231-0345
West Chicago, Il 60185
-- US sales and application support of Parsytec
Parallel Systems International,
73, Elizabeth Street,                   +44 1 730 9231
London SW1 9PJ
-- 2nd Sight (statistical forecasting program)
-- Strategies Int. Consultants, tel: +44 823 47 5100
Paramax Corp.
101B Halmar Cove,
Georgetown TX 78628                     +1 (512) 869-0115
-- transputer modules (TRAMs), serial, parallel I/O
ParaSoft Corporation,                   Larry Lesser,
27415 Trabuco Circle,                   +1 (714) 380-9739
Mission Viejo, CA 92692                 Fax: +1 714 380-9557
-- Express programming environment, Email: parasoft@tybalt.caltech.edu
PARSEC Developments,                    Jan Graat
Witte Singel 66,                        +31 71 142 142
2311 BM Leiden                          Fax: +31 71 134 449
-- Parallel C compiler, Transputer boards
Parsys,                                 Peter Dzwig,
Thorn EMI Central Research Labs,        +44 (1) 848 6502
Dawley Road,
Hayes MDDX UB3 1HH
-- IDRIS operating environment (UNIX Posix compatible) and Supernode
Parsytec,                               Falk D. Kubler
Julicher Strasse 336-338,               +49 241 166 000
5100 Aachen, West-Germany               Fax: +49 241 166 0050
-- PC add-in boards, graphics, VME, Megaframe
Pentasoft Corporation                   Dwight VandenBerghe
17541 Stone Avenue,                     Tel (206) 546 0470
North Seattle, WA 98133-7369
-- C compiler for UNIX systems          penta!dwight
Perihelion,                             Charles Grimsdale, Tim King
24 Brewmaster Buildings,                +44 749 4203
Charlton Trading Estate,
Shepton Mallet,
Somerset BA4 5QE
-- Soft: Helios operating system for the Atari Transputer Workstation, PC, ...
-- Hard: Atari Transputer Workstation (ATW) farm cards
Perspective Ltd.,
35 Headfort Place,                      +1 235 9967
London SW1X 7DE                         Fax: +1 235 5004
-- fast disk storage, designed by AG Electronics and QMS
Philips Germany,                        dr. Hille
Postfach 6420,                          +49 431 7109-1
2300 Kiel 14, West-Germany
-- real-time graphics toolkit and systems
Plessey Electronic Systems Research Ltd,
Advanced Architectures Group,           +44 794 515 222
Roke Manor,
Romsey, Hampshire SO5 0ZN
-- Radar Pulse Deinterleaver, fault tolerance, telecom, ...
Prentice Hall,                          Jose van Steijn,
P.O. Box 184,                           +31 23 287 935
2100 AD Heemstede, Netherlands
-- books on transputers, occam and parallel processing
-- UK: 66 Wood Lane End, Hemelhampstead, Hertfordshire HP2 4RG, (0442) 231 555
QTM Electronics design and manufact.    Alan Garrett
Portland House,                         +44 272 420631
Portland Square,
Bristol BS2 8RZ
-- Custom design with Transputers
Quintek Ltd.,                           John Nixon
Southfield House,
2 Southfield Road,                      +44 272 628196
Bristol BS9 3BH
-- PC plug-in boards
Rapid Silicon Ltd.,
Rapid House Denmark Street              +44 494 442266
High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP11 2ER  Fax: +44 494 21860
-- Components, Consultancy, Design, Sun, PC, VAX development systems
Real Time Systems Ltd.
                                        +44 624 26021
-- transIDRIS (Unix-like) operating system
Real World Graphics,
5, Bluecoats Avenue,                    +44 992 554442
Hertford,                               Fax: +44 992 554 827
Herts SG14 1PB                          Tlx: 818 474
-- Reality graphics supercomputer
Renishaw Controls Ltd.,
The Cottages, The Close,                +44 453 844753
Old Town, Wotton-Under-Edge,
Gloucestershire GL12 7DJ
-- C compiler, Unix version for the transputer
Retron GmbH,
Rodeweg 18,                             +49 551 9040
Postfach 3143,                          Tlx: 96733
3400 Goettingen                         Fax: 551 90 41 46
-- Distributor of Inmos in Germany
Risk Decisions Ltd.                     Sarah Wilson,
73 Elisabeth Street,                    +44 1 730 9231
London SW1W 9PJ
-- Predict!: spreadsheet on transputers, PORTS and TROPS
Rockfield Software Ltd.,                Roger Owen, James Wadell
The Innovation Centre,                  +44 792 295 551
University College of Swansea,          Fax: +44 792 295 532
West Glamorgan SA2 8PP, U.K.
-- TURB3D for simulating turbulent flow, PARADYNE for transient dynamic analysis
Sagem,                                  Mr. Carle,
Rue de la Tour Billy 72,                +33 1 342 638 00
P.O. Box 72,
95101 Argenteuil Cedex
-- T-based signal processing, Kalman filters
Sang ComputerSysteme GmbH,
Am Wuennesberg 13,                      +44 201 710 11 91
D-4300 Essen-Haarzopf                   Fax: +44 201 710 410
-- PC board, Amiga and Atari interface
Scientific Micro Systems,
Langley Business Centre,                +44 753 49336
11-49 Station Road,
Slough, Berkshire SL3 8YL
-- Translink development system for Mac SE and Mac II
Sension, Transputer Products Divison,   John Brierley, James Kidd, Mark Sykes
Denton Drive,                           +44 606 44 321
Nortwich, Cheshire CW9 7LU,England      Tlx: 666468
-- Parallax, Transputer evaluations systems for PC and Nimbus, Parsytec
Sheldonberry Electronic GmbH,           H. Beinlich
Barbarastrasse 31,                      +49 931 84100
8700 Wurzburg                           Tlx: 68810 shelby d
-- industrial systems for measurement and control
Significat Inc.,
21 Main Street,                         +1 617 562-7363
Hudson MA 01749
-- data acquisition co-processor
Simulation Technology Ltd,              Ivar Sandstad
Sandakerveien 35 B,                     +47 2 15 67 10
P.O.Box 4222 Torshov,
N-0401 Oslo 4, Norway                   It's dead, Jim
-- used to develop PC add-in boards for graphics (hard + soft)
Smith Associates Ltd.,                  Richard Armstrong, Chris Elliot,
Surrey Research Park,                   +44 483 505 565
Guildford,                              Tlx: 859057 SACSEL G
Surrey GU2 5YP
-- fault-tolerant, self-repairing transputer systems for aviation, ...
Sparta Inc,                             Albert Danial, Jim Watson
4901 Corporate Drive                    +1 205 837 5200
Huntsville AL 35805, US
-- Adnet communication kernel, Transbasic interpreter
Systeam,                                Gisela Ziegler
Steinhofstrasse 17,
7500 Karlruhe 41, West-Germany
-- multitransputer boards and software
System Software Factors                 John Barr,
Chiltern Chambers,                      +44 743 476 644
St. Peter's Avenue,                     Fax: +44 734 509 262
Caversham, Reading RG4 7DH
-- transputer Fortran Accelerator
Systems West,                           Mark Ware, Rob Armitage
475 Southgate White Friars,             +44 272 273 990
Lewins Mead,
Bristol BS1 2NT
-- native code macro assemblers, crossasssemblers for PC
Tadpole Technology,
Titan House, Castle Park,               +44 223 461000
Cambridge CB3 0AY                       Tlx: 818152 tadtec
-- VME board with transputer
Telmat Informatique,                    J.-M. Fest, Sylvain Flieller
BP 12, ZI Route s'Issenheim,            +33 89 76 51 10
F-68360 Soultz Cedex, France            Fax: +33 89 74 27 34
-- Peripheral modules (SCSI), Esprit Supernode
The Transputer Initiative               Mike Jane, Terry Mawby
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,         +44 235 44 5787
Chilton, Didcot, Oxon OX11 0QX          Fax: +44 235 44 5831
-- SERC/DTI Transputer Awareness Crusaders
3L Ltd.,                                Alan D. Culloch, Ian Young
Peel House,                             +44 506 415 959
Ladywell, Livingstone,                  Fax: +44 506 415 944
West Lothian EH54 6AG,
Scotland                                Email: ian@latlog.uucp
-- Serial and Parallel C, Fortran compilers
Tiki-Data AS,
Sinsenvien 53A,                         +47 472 154150
0513 Oslo 5, Norway
-- Videoputer graphics board
TME,                                    P. Philips
Bisschoppenhoflaan 357-359              +32 3 325 19 10
2100 Antwerpen
-- distributor of Tadpole in Belgium
Topexpress Ltd.,                        F.W. Wray, B.K. Madahar, Andrew Holman
13-14 Round Church Street,              +44 223 355427
Cambridge CB5 8AD                       Fax: +44 223 315 057
-- Transputer compatible A/D and D/A converters, occam procedure library
Topologix Inc.,                         Len Eschweiler
4860 Ward Road,                         +1 303-421-7700
Denver, Colorado 80033                  Fax: +1 303-425-0278
-- boards and development systems for Sun, snowwhite!grumpy!cozmic@boulder.uucp
Transoft Inc,                           David Thielen
7220 West Jefferson Avenue,             +1 303 985-2160
Suite 460, Lakewood CO 80235
-- Hobbes operating system for transputers
Transtech Devices Ltd,                  Mark Wilson
Unit 3, St Johns Estate,                +44 (49481) 6681
Penn, Bucks HP10 8HR, UK                Tlx: 838844
-- Transputer chips and boards, low-cost modules
Trilogic, R & D Ltd.,                   H.J. Lormans,
Handelsweg 30,                          +31 4499 3825
6114 BR Susteren, Holland               Fax: +31 4499 4553
-- distribute CRM and Gemini, control and graphics applications
U-Microcomputers Ltd.,                  W.D. (Bill) Unsworth
12 Chetham Court,                       +44 925 54117
Calver Road, Winwick Quay,
Warrington WA2 8RF
-- UTP plug-in boards for PC, VAX and Sun, molecular modelling system
-- US: 1504 San Carlos Bay Drive, Sanibel Island, Florida 33957, +1 813 472 6910
Vardas                                  Bill Noble,
88 North Road,                          +44 272 428 709
St Andrews, Bristol BS6 5AJ
-- Tex (wordprocessing/typesetting system) for the transputer
White Cross Systems Ltd.
90 London Road,                         +44 1 922 8824
London SE1 6LN                          Fax: +44 1 928 0589
-- stockbrokers software
Hans Yberle Engineering Buro,
Postfach 25,                            +49 9181 5525
8430 Neumarkt, West-Germany
-- TurboFLY process computers