Occam and Transputer Teaching Contacts Directory Following on from the success of the Research Contacts Directory, I am now setting up a Contacts Directory for all those involved in teaching occam and transputer techniques. The objectives are to help those currently active to share experiences (and possibly material), and to provide ready access to a reservoir of knowledge and experience for those planning or contemplating such courses. The directory will be distributed to all who contribute entries, and will be freely available from INMOS on request. I anticipate updating it annually. The quality and usefulness of such a directory is in direct proportion to that of its entries, and so I would ask all occam and transputer users who are currently involved in teaching relevant parallel processing, system design and engineering techniques to spend just the few minutes it takes to complete the form and return it to us. Deadline for entries - 3rd April 1989. Many thanks for your assistance, Colin Whitby-Strevens Manager Special Projects ===================================================================== Occam and Transputer Teaching Contacts Directory Course title: Contact name: Telephone: Address: Email: Telex: Post/Zip code: Fax: Course Details Level: 1st/2nd/3rd/4th year undergraduate, Masters, other (describe) Length of course - no of lectures: no of lab periods: Proportion of course devoted to occam and transputers: Brief syllabus: Text books recommended/used: Are course notes, and/or lab exercises available for other course designers? Yes/No Please return completed forms to (USA and Canada) Mark Hopkins, INMOS Corporation, PO Box 16000, Colorado Springs, CO 80935 (elsewhere) Claire Hale, INMOS Limited, 1000, Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol, BS12 4SQ, UK or by email to =====================================================================