[comp.sys.transputer] workshop on Transputer and Distributed Real-time Systems, York

geraint@prg.oxford.ac.uk (Geraint Jones) (03/15/89)

[ The more astute of you will recognise that the 11th occam user group meeting
| in  Edinburgh is the  same  week  as the  Edinburgh Concurrent Supercomputer
| Project seminar, also in Edinburgh. If you are at a loss for the rest of the
| week, consider York.  If you  are coming  from abroad,  you may want to know
| that York is almost exactly half way between Edinburgh and London,  and much
| odder than both.                                                          gj

                           University of York
                    Department of Computer Science

                            CALL FOR PAPERS
                              workshop on

             Transputer and Distributed Real-time Systems

                         September 28-29, 1989

Original  research  contributions  are  invited  to address  fundamental
issues  in the theory  and applications  of transputers  in the field of
distributed real-time systems.  Topics of interest include,  but are not
limited to:
              Real-time Concepts and Definitions
              Real-time Architectures
              Real-time Programming Languages
              Reliability of Real-time Systems
              Specification Semantics and verification
              Timing Analysis
              Scheduling Theories
              Real-time Operating Systems and Architectures
              Real-time Applications in Industrial Control
              AI Application in Real-time Environments

The  Workshop  will  include  invited  speakers  and  an  exhibition  of
hardware and software from industry and academia.

Important dates:  Abstract due                           May 1, 1989
                  Acceptance notification               June 9, 1989
                  Camera-ready copy of full paper September 15, 1989

Please  send  FOUR copies  of detailed  abstract,  with address,  e-mail
address and telephone number to the programme chair:

        Dr H. Zedan,
        Computer Science Department,
        York University,
        England    YO1 5DD

(e-mail: (JANet) zedan@uk.ac.york.minster)

The abstract  must provide  enough  information  to allow  the programme
committee  to assess  the merit  of the paper  and  should  include  the
appropriate  references  to and comparisons  with the literature.  It is
recommended  that the submission  should  not exceed  FIVE typed  single
spaced pages.