[comp.sys.transputer] Boot B004 from TC

lstainsb@good.cs.ubc.ca (leif r stainsby) (03/30/89)

To all B004 users, 
     Hi, we are having trouble with some of the C-code INMOS
provided with the TDS system.  We are trying to boot our B004
board with a bootable file from within a C-program using the
functions boot_root() and reset_root().   These functions are
both supplied with the TDS system in the linkio.c file.
     We want to be able to perform the booting from within our
C-program to avoid using the afserver.
     The bootable file in question has been tested and works
correctly.  We loaded it using the afserver and then ran the
same C-program without requesting the reset/boot functions and
the system worked fine.  
     We are running TDS on an XT compatible (4.77 MHz) and we
are using Turbo C 2.0 for the C-program.  Since, (I believe) the
C-code provided by INMOS was developed using Microsoft C, the
calls to outp() have been changed to outportb() to satisfy Turbo C.
These functions both output bytes so this shouldn't be any cause
of trouble. Other than that, the source for reset_root() and
boot_root() has not been altered by us.
     If anyone has any ideas or suggestions as to what we might
be doing wrong we will gratefully entertain them.
     Any replies can be sent directly to me at:
                  lstainsb@ugly.cs.ubc.ca    (BITNET)
     Leif Stainsby & Benjamin Lau
     UBC Electrical Engineering