[comp.sys.transputer] Ada on the transputer

COLIN@isnet.inmos.co.uk (04/03/89)

Yes, Ada on the transputer is coming on very well.

The product is anticipated for October 1989.  You'll have a
choice of hosts:- VAX/VMS or IBM PC + T8 (+4meg), and targets
will be all of T8, T4 and T2 transputers.  The product will
be validated, and will be marketed by Alsys.

Further technical information on how it's being done, how to
spread your Ada program over a network of transputers (answer
- skillfully), etc, etc, was published in ``Defense
Computing'', September-October 1988, in an article by John
Barnes (from Alsys) and myself.

Contact your local Alsys sales office, or
(USA) Ed Falis, at Alsys, Waltham, Mass, (617) 890 0030
(UK) John Stewart, at Alsys, Henley-on-Thames, (0491) 579090

Colin Whitby-Strevens
Manager Special Projects