[comp.sys.transputer] t2-vme

GL172@DSIHRZ51.BITNET (04/04/89)

Transputer-Activities in Siegen - West Germany.

VME Transputer-Board

We at the University of Siegen, Institut for Powerelectronics and
Electrical drives, are working on a Transputer Board with
VME-Bus interface. We well use the board for two jobs:

1. We have a large variety of VME-Bus I/O Boards, like AD /DA, digital
   I/O, serial/parallel Adapters, incremental decoder and IEEE-interface,
   which we want to use also with our transputer networks. Our aim is a
   robot controller with 6 axis controllers, each equiped with a VME-Bus.

2. We want to interface a VME-Bus based frame grabber to a transputer
   network. The interface card has to transfer video data of about 250
   Kbyte per frame. It has to supply two or more transputers of the
   network with data.

the main features will be:

-  low cost single euro board (ca. 500 DM for the hardware)
-  T212 / T222 20Mhz with 64Kbyte fast static RAM
-  simple memory management unit witch provides a 8 Kbyte window in the 16
   Mbyte VME-Bus adress space.
-  Bus and DTP-Arbiter to use the board as a second master.

If you are interested in our work you can contact us by:

! Mail:                      !  EMAIL:
! University of Siegen       !  GL172@DSIHRZ51.BITNET
! FB 12 - I LEA              !
! Dipl.-Ing. Peter Lauer     !  Phone:
! Postfach                   !  0271 / 740 2188
! 5900 Siegen                !
! West Germany               !  Telefax / Telex
