Does anyone have any experience in the transfer of data to the transputer from a IBM PC via DMA. We a listing to do this but are lacking three addresses, namely LinkInStatusReg, LinkOutStatusReg and LinkDMAReg. If anyone can help me with the above addresses (as in where to find them, etc) or just with general experiences could you contact me. Thanks in advance... Simon Taylor (Simulation in Maufacturing on Transputers) (CMPSSIMONT@UK.AC.LEEDS-POLY.PRIMEA) (0532 744122 x 203) (04/06/89)
>Does anyone have any experience in the transfer of data to the >transputer from an IBM PC via DMA... If you are using a B008 board, the addresses are: boardbase + $00 - input data register boardbase + $01 - output data register boardbase + $02 - input status register boardbase + $03 - output status register boardbase + $10 - reset register (write only) boardbase + $11 - analyze register (write only) boardbase + $10 - error location (read only) boardbase + $12 - DMA request register boardbase + $13 - interrupt control register where boardbase = $150, $200 or $300 depending on the switch settings. --Nel, CIAE