ozkan@VUSE.VANDERBILT.EDU (Mehmed Ozkan) (04/24/89)
>from: Lois Ferscha >.... >Is there somebody with information/experience using a Sun3 as >transputer system frontend on the PARACOM-board basis or does >somebody know better solutions to our problem: >..... >Any kind of information/experience on hardware/software is highly >appreciated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ We have ordered a VME board and a VME adapter board from CSA to use a SUN3/110 as the host system for our INMOS transputer boards, that are in an INMOS item box. CSA's VME board is a parallel-to-serial and serial to parallel quad transputer link interface circuit on a standard VME bus card (including Sun-3 and Sun-4 worl stations.) The reason we have chosen CSA's VME board is because they guaranteed that it will work with the software we have invested on (Logical Systems Parallel C). Since we have the source code for the compiler we could easily recompile it for Sun. People from CSA are very helpful and friendly, however our order is delayed about two months. We are expecting to recive the boards within a few weeks, and I will report the results (hopefully good ones) to the transputer mailing list after we install the board. INMOS's B014 VMEbus mother board was another option for us, but we needed to buy their Parallel C and the toolset for SUN. The cost would we higher for us. But we would not wait for the board this long. You still need a VME adapter board. The hardware prices are comparable to that of CSA. Mehmed Ozkan E-MAIL: ozkan@vuse.vanderbilt.edu Vanderbilt University Box 6652/B Nashville, TN 37235 USA tel: (615)-322-7269