[comp.sys.transputer] Transputer PCAD files

rando@skipper.dfrf.nasa.gov (Randy Brumbaugh) (05/06/89)

We are preparing to do a transputer design using the schematic capture /
printed circuit board layout & routing package PCAD.  As we expected,
transputers and related ICs are not included in the standard parts
libraries included with the package.  Entering them manually is more than
a trivial process.

Is anyone else using PCAD?  Does anyone have definition files for transputers,
link adaptors or crossbar switches?  If so, would you like to swap information
and / or parts definition files?

           Randy Brumbaugh
           (805) 258-3311 x5177

davidb@inmos.co.uk (David Boreham) (05/09/89)

rando@skipper.dfrf.nasa.gov writes that he is looking for PCAD
symbols for INMOS devices.

I'm afraid that I can't help him but his posting did make me think
that there might be people out there who could benefit from the
database we have for MENTOR CAE/CAD.

We have symbols for most INMOS devices and primitive BLMs for
some of the processors. As it takes about a day to put in
a T801 symbol and debug it, and about a month to write a
hardware-verification BLM, I am willing to mail this data
(on a very informal basis with absolutely no support) to anyone
to wants it.

David Boreham, INMOS Limited | mail(uk): davidb@inmos.co.uk or ukc!inmos!davidb
Bristol,  England            |      (us): uunet!inmos-c!davidb
+44 454 616616 ex 543        | Internet : @col.hp.com:davidb@inmos-c