[comp.sys.transputer] Who publishes Helios Book ?

TRG@vax1.nihel.ie (05/31/89)

	I've just read a preview by Andy Redfern in The June 1989 issue 
of Personal Computer World on Tim King's book 'The Helios Operating System'. 
It looked interesting but failed to mention who the publisher is / will be. 
Does anyone know? By the way is there an Email address for Helios?
Fergal O'Sullivan,                    Email: OSULLIVANF@VAX1.NIHEL.IE
Transputer Research Group             Email: TRG@VAX1.NIHEL.IE
Electronic & Computer Eng Dept,       Voice: Int + 353 61 333644 Ext 2367
N.I.H.E.,                             FAX  : Ireland (061) 330316
Limerick,                             Telex: Ireland (500) 70609

csa@ADAM.BYU.EDU (Lyle Bingham) (06/01/89)

Try prentice Hall -- The books are not in the U.S. yet, but are available
from the U.K.
I don't know of an email address for helios/perihelion
Best Regards
Lyle Bingham
CSA (801) 374-2300

geraint@prg.oxford.ac.uk (Geraint Jones) (06/01/89)

Assuming that `The Helios book' is the same one, it is published by Prentice
Hall International (they of the INMOS documentation series and that red-and-
white series with occam books in it), details:

        The Helios operating system
         Perihelion Software Limited
         pub. Prentice Hall, April 1989
         L(UK) 19.95, $35.95, ISBN 0 13 357369 9

A UNIXophilic cynic of my acquaintance remarks that it is not as bad as he
had expected.  (We have seen a copy, it does exist, at least in the UK; but
`April' probably meant `May'.)