[comp.sys.transputer] Super Computers v's N x Transputer, Cost, Performance ?

TRG@itd1.ul.ie (08/03/89)

	It arose here in a discussion recently of how systems of 100s
or 1000s of transputers would compare price and raw performance-wise
with 'standard' super computers.

	One of the many details lacking was exactly the cost of machines 
which are regarded as super computers such as:-

CRAY x, CDC CYBER-205, Connection  machine, Cosmic Cube etc...

Does anyone have approx prices, MIPS or MegaFLOPS for these or other SCs?
Or have any reference to a paper where such a comparsion is done.

Thanks in Advance
Fergal O'Sullivan
Fergal O'Sullivan,                    Email: OSULLIVANF@itd.ul.ie
Transputer Research Group,            Email: TRG@itd.ul.ie
Electronic & Computer                 Tel  : (061)333644 x 2367
    Engineering Department,                : Int + 353 61 333644 Ext 2367
University of Limerick,               FAX  : Ireland (061) 330316
Limerick,                             Telex: Ireland (500) 70609

ASCNet : osullivanf@itd1.ul.ie@murtoa.cs.mu.OZ.AU