[comp.sys.transputer] Measuring elapsed CPU time for a single process

UHAP033@vaxb.rhbnc.ac.uk (08/10/89)

Hello all,

         I am currently working on an image processing simulation program
that requires a single process on a transputer to determine how much CPU time
it has had (but not that of any other processes in parallel with it)


    ...  pass data down
    ...  pass data up
  ...  wait for a known time  --  this it the problem bit

My current process looks something like (slightly simplified):

BOOL not.yet.finished:
TIMER clock:
INT pause.1,pause.2,elapsed.time:
  not.yet.finished:= TRUE
  clock ? pause.1
  WHILE not.yet.finished
      clock ? pause.2
      elapsed.time:= pause.2-pause.1
      not.yet.finished:= (elapsed.time<required.delay)

However, this doesn't do what I want - it keeps counting time even when the
transputer is executing another process. Two possible alternatives came to

1) Write a simple loop program, disassemble it and work out how long the
loop would take. Then use something like

INT required.iterations,dummy.variable:
  required.iterations:= required.delay*kludge.factor
  SEQ loop = 1 FOR required.iterations
    dummy.variable:= dummy.variable*1  -- time waster

Unfortunately, I know nothing about transputer machine code, and so wouldn't
know how to find out the time taken per iteration of the loop.

2) Since the clock's tick rate for a low-priority process is quite slow
(64 microseconds according to the TDS book* page 60), it might be possible
to count the ticks of the clock (the count being missed if the process is
interrupted by a higher priority one), thus

INT elapsed.time,tick.1,tick.2:
BOOL not.yet.finished:
TIMER clock:
  not.yet.finished:= TRUE
  elapsed.time:= 0
  WHILE not.yet.finished
      clock ? tick.1
      clock ? tick.2
      WHILE tick.1=tick.2
        clock ? tick.2
      elapsed.time:= elapsed.time+64 -- microseconds
      not.yet.finished:= (elapsed.time<required.delay)

But this is not elegant, and isn't very accurate either.

Has anyone got any comments on these two schemes, or do they have a better
one? Thanks for any help you can give
                                           Simon Barker

* Transputer Development System, Prentice Hall, 1988, ISBN 0-13-928995-X
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   /       | |  | /  /   Royal Holloway and Bedford New College
  /        | |  |/  /    Machine Vision Group
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Simon Barker                           Phone: (0784) 439900 (UK)
Department of Physics                         (+44) 784 439900 (international)
Royal Holloway and Bedford
 New College                           JANET: UHAP033@UK.AC.RHBNC.VAXA or
Egham Hill                                    BARKER@UK.AC.RHBNC.PH.V1
Surrey, TW20 0EX                      BITNET: UHAP033@VAXA.RHBNC.AC.UK or
England                                       BARKER@V1.PH.RHBNC.AC.UK