[comp.sys.transputer] Compilers for Parallel Computers

gupta@prlhp1.prl.philips.co.uk (gupta) (08/31/89)

                 THE BRITISH COMPUTER SOCIETY      


                         WORKSHOP ON

                     COMPILING TECHNIQUES
                    COMPILER  CONSTRUCTION
                      PARALLEL COMPUTERS

                      13 - 15 SEPT. 1989
                         KEBLE COLLEGE

Program Committee :-

 Dr. Tom Lake,     Chairperson:- Parallel Processing Specialist Group
 Dr. David May     INMOS, Bristol, U.K.
 Prof. R. Perrott  Queen's University, Belfast, U.K.
 Prof. H. Zima     U. Vienna, Austria

The program will contain several in-depth reviews of recent research
and production compiling systems from Europe, Japan and USA, 
emphasising representation and transformation of programs, software
engineering aspects of parallel compilers and run-time environments
for language support on parallel machines.

Provisional programme:-

 Wednesday 13 Sept 1989 :-

    E. d'Hollander (U. Ghent)
    VPS, a virtual processor MIMD multiprocessor and its software environment.

    H. Wada (Fujitsu)
    Compilers for Vector and Parallel Processors.

    J. Fitch (U. Bath, U.K.)
    Distributed execution of LISP programs.

    P. Flanders (Active Memory Technology, U.K.)
    The Virtual Array Processor and SIMD compilation.

    B. Debonhai (Bull Recherche)
    VELOUR, a modern vectoriser.

    D. Padua (U. Illinois)
    The Cedar machine and its language system.

 Thursday 14 Sept 1989 :-

    H. Zima et. al (U. Vienna)
    The SUPERB parallel restructurer and recent research - I

    H. Zima et. al (U. Vienna)
    The SUPERB parallel restructurer and recent research - II

    R. Arthan (International Computers Ltd, U.K.)
    Formal specification and development of a compiler.

    M. Burke (I.B.M., Yorktown Heights)
    Language systems for parallel computers - I

    W. Bohm (U. Manchester, U.K.)
    Compiling for dataflow.

    I. Currie (Royal Signals & Radar Establishment, Malvern, U.K.)
    The Ten15 Intermediate language and its implementation on
      Transputer networks.

    Reliability and software engineering of future language systems.

 Friday 15 Sept 1989 :-
    M. Burke (I.B.M. Yorktown Heights)
    Language systems for parallel computers - II

    J. Bishop (U. Southampton, U.K.)
    Review of distributed ADA
    S. Peyton-Jones (University College, London)
    The GRIP machine - a functional system

*and more to be announced.*

There will be demonstrations of SUPERB and SUSPENSE on Wednesday and
Thursday (13-14) evenings.

Note :- This is only a provisional programme. 

        Please do NOT contact me for ANY enquiries whatsoever.

        For further details please contact :-
            Mrs. C. Cunningham
            2 Mildenhall Close
            Lower Earley
            Reading, RG6 3AT
            (phone +44 734 665570)
            (Please take the time difference into account if making
             an international call.)

To book please use the form below, by cutting below this line.

                      BOOKING FORM/INVOICE

Please reserve places at Workshop on Compiling Techniques and
Compiler Construction for Parallel Computers (13-15 Sept 1989,
Keble College, Oxford) as follows:

(Fees, including meals and accomodation, from lunch on 13 Sept
to lunch on 15 Sept: 
               PPSG, BCS, GI members & Students - #150 
               Others - #170.
(Currency quoted in Pound Sterling.)

Cheques must be in sterling and made payable to PPSG.
(We cannot accept payment by credit card.)
Students must send appropriate proof of their status.

Additional Bed & Breakfast accomodation for 12 and 15 Sept can
be provided at #21 per head, per night (incl. VAT)

            Name(s)                l Group/BCS/GI  l Fee l VAT l
                                   l Student/Other l     l     l
                                   l               l     l     l
                                   l               l     l     l 
                                   l               l     l     l

Contact Address : ..................................                                   



Phone:            ..................................

Please add any special dietary requirement :


Please list names and dates of additional accomodation
booked on this form:



Please return this form to :-

  2 Mildenhall Close
  Lower Earley
  Reading, RG6 3AT

Cut above this line.

     Please do NOT contact me for ANY enquiries whatsoever.
Use the contact address & phone, given above the booking form.