[comp.sys.transputer] graphix server again

A4424DAA@AWIUNI11.BITNET (Walter Muellner) (09/05/89)

I think I have problems with THE NET. Seems as if it doesn't forward
my message to the mailing list. I resend it, sorry if you get it twice.

------------------ original message resent ---------------------------

First of all, I would like to excuse myself for the delay in
responding to all the requests concerning our GRAPHIX-SERVER.

Here are some more details:

The server is written in Turbo-Pascal (V 5.0, but will run with slight
modifications under V4.0).

It uses a special protocol based on a low-level protocol and supports
almost all of TP5's funcionality from within a transputer.

The server is available in source code via E-mail after both the
appended form has been signed and returned to us and the
amount of AS 500.00 (approx.$40.00) have been payed.

Payment can be made by cheque or direct transfer to the following

            Inst. f. Statistik und Informatik, Universitaet Wien
  Acct. No. 0949-38859/00

  at the    Creditanstalt-Bankverein,
            Vienna, Austria

  The server's use is restricted to non-profitary use only and it
MUST NOT be used in commercial products without our prior written


Registrated users will receive free corrections and updates.

Return the attached form to the following address:

   W. Muellner

   Inst. f. Statistik und Informatik
   Universitaet Wien
   Lenaugasse 2/8
   A-1080 Wien

------------- CUT HERE AND SEND BACK TO ORDER AFGSERVER ----------------

Name:        ..........................................................
Institution: ..........................................................
Address:     ..........................................................


I agree in using the AFGserver for educational and/or universitary
non-profit purposes only.

I accept that there is no warranty, neither explicitely nor implied,
in the use of the AFGserver.

date:..................     signature:.................................

---------------CUT HERE -----------------------------------------------

The following is an overview on the functions supported by the server:

1) DOS file handling:
      - user definable record lengths supported
      - record read/write supported
      - block read/write suppported on binary files/devices
      - record positioning (for binary files)

2) DOS devices
      - access to DOS devices (CON, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, COM1, COM2,
                               the COMx devices NOT interrupt driven)
        future extensions: interrupt driven Serial IO handling with
                           up to 8 serial interfaces (COM1..COM8)

3) file/device read write:
      - some formatted I/O predefined procedures
        (Read/WriteText, Read/WriteInt,...)
      - various status request procedures (FilesStatus, FileName,...)

4) low-level machine-IO:
      - perform DOS-interrupts
      - DOS function-calls
      - Byte and word-port I/O
      - get and set registers
      - get and set time/date of DOS machine

5) Screen and Keyboard I/O
      - formatted input/output
      - Readkey, Keypressed function ...
      - Cursor positioning (GotoXY...)
      - free definable background/foreground/text colors
      - definition of text-windows
      - all screen operations applicable to the actual text window
      - redirection of screen I/O to DOS-file
      - Sound/Nosound control PC's speaker

6) DOS memory handling procedures
      - GetMem, FreeMem allocate/free DOS-Memory
        (useful for save/restore screens, graphic images or
         temporary save transputer-data...)

7) Graphics facilities:
      - support of all TURBO-PASCAL supported graphics drivers
        including CGA, EGA, VGA, Hercules and IBM8514 drivers
        in various resolutions with automatic driver detection
      - definition of graphics windows (viewports)

      - pixel draw/query
      - line draw absolute/relative
      - move abs./rel.
      - circles, ellipses w/w.o. fill
      - polygons w/w.o. fill
      - fill of screen area delimited by specified pixel color
      - drawing of arcs, sectors, bars, 3D-bars, rectangles, pieslices,...
      - free definition of all colors (drawing, background,...)
      - definition/redefinition of color-palette
      - installation of user-supported device drivers and
        graphics fonts (must be in Borland's BGI/CHR format)
      - user definable fill-patterns and fill-styles
      - get/put whole images (pixel areas)
      - various line styles and thicknesses (definable-redefinable)
      - text settings free definable (Char. size, orientation, font...)
      - four standard graphics fonts available
      - write graphics-text at specified (x,y) coordinate
      - definable text alignment (left, right, centered),
        orientation, size and slant
      - direct access to hardware graphics-pages


      - addition of some MOUSE handling procedures,
      - inclusion of interrupt driven serial I/O support for
        up to 8 (eight) serial lines
      - performance enhancements
      - some more DOS-features (file attributes set/reset, directory
                                management: create, delete, change...)
      - maybe some more depending on the users's (your) needs.

I hope this helps for the first time. All requests will be answered
as soon as possible.


Walter Muellner                         !      /X  /X
Institut of Statistics and              !    // // /
            Computer Science            !    X/ o X/ o X
University of Vienna, Austria           !   //  /~~  / 
Lenaugasse 2/8                          !      / ==/
A-1080 Wien                             !
e-mail: A4424DAA@AWIUNI11.BITNET        !