A4424DAA@AWIUNI11.BITNET (Walter Muellner) (06/07/89)
Recently there were some requests on the list concerning the loading of the transputers from DOS. We have developped our own server on the basis of the AFSERVER. BUT: out server is written in Turbo-Pascal and supports all the graphic features of Turbo-Pascal (CGA,EGA,VGA,Hercules and PC3270 support) plus allows the occam program to use all PC-peripherals (printers, ...). For those who are interested I can give a more detailed description. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Walter Muellner ! /X /X Institut of Statistics And ! // // / Computer Science ! X/ o X/ o X University of Vienna ! // /~~ / Lenaugasse 2/8 ! / ==/ A-1080 Vienna, Austria ! e-mail: A4424DAA@AWIUNI11.BITNET ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------
A4424DAA@AWIUNI11.BITNET (Walter Muellner) (09/05/89)
First of all, I would like to excuse myself for the delay in responding to all the requests concerning our GRAPHIX-SERVER. Here are some more details: The server is written in Turbo-Pascal (V 5.0, but will run with slight modifications under V4.0). It uses a special protocol based on a low-level protocol and supports almost all of TP5's funcionality from within a transputer. The server is available in source code via E-mail after both the appended form has been signed and returned to us and the amount of AS 500.00 (approx.$40.00) has been payed. Payment can be made by cheque or direct transfer to the following account: Inst. f. Statistik und Informatik, Universitaet Wien Acct. No. 0949-38859/00 at the Creditanstalt-Bankverein, Josefstaedterstrasse Vienna, Austria The server's use is restricted to non-profitary use only and it MUST NOT be used in commercial products without our prior written permission. There is NO WARRANTY. Registrated users will receive free corrections and updates. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Return the attached form to the following address: (mail:) W. Muellner Inst. f. Statistik und Informatik Universitaet Wien Lenaugasse 2/8 A-1080 Wien AUSTRIA/EUROPE ------------- CUT HERE AND SEND BACK TO ORDER AFGSERVER ---------------- Name: .......................................................... Institution: .......................................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... Address: .......................................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... AGREEMENT I agree in using the AFGserver for educational and/or universitary non-profit purposes only. I accept that there is no warranty, neither explicitely nor implied, in the use of the AFGserver. date:.................. signature:................................. ---------------CUT HERE ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The following is an overview on the functions supported by the server: 1) DOS file handling: - OPEN/CLOSE/RENAME/DELETE of TEXT and BINARY files - OPEN modes: READ/WRITE/APPEND - user definable record lengths supported - record read/write supported - block read/write suppported on binary files/devices - record positioning (for binary files) 2) DOS devices - access to DOS devices (CON, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, COM1, COM2, the COMx devices NOT interrupt driven) future extensions: interrupt driven Serial IO handling with up to 8 serial interfaces (COM1..COM8) 3) file/device read write: - some formatted I/O predefined procedures (Read/WriteText, Read/WriteInt,...) - various status request procedures (FilesStatus, FileName,...) 4) low-level machine-IO: - perform DOS-interrupts - DOS function-calls - Byte and word-port I/O - get and set registers - get and set time/date of DOS machine 5) Screen and Keyboard I/O - formatted input/output - Readkey, Keypressed function ... - Cursor positioning (GotoXY...) - free definable background/foreground/text colors - definition of text-windows - all screen operations applicable to the actual text window - redirection of screen I/O to DOS-file - Sound/Nosound control PC's speaker 6) DOS memory handling procedures - GetMem, FreeMem allocate/free DOS-Memory (useful for save/restore screens, graphic images or temporary save transputer-data...) 7) Graphics facilities: - support of all TURBO-PASCAL supported graphics drivers including CGA, EGA, VGA, Hercules and IBM8514 drivers in various resolutions with automatic driver detection - definition of graphics windows (viewports) - pixel draw/query - line draw absolute/relative - move abs./rel. - circles, ellipses w/w.o. fill - polygons w/w.o. fill - fill of screen area delimited by specified pixel color - drawing of arcs, sectors, bars, 3D-bars, rectangles, pieslices,... - free definition of all colors (drawing, background,...) - definition/redefinition of color-palette - installation of user-supported device drivers and graphics fonts (must be in Borland's BGI/CHR format) - user definable fill-patterns and fill-styles - get/put whole images (pixel areas) - various line styles and thicknesses (definable-redefinable) - text settings free definable (Char. size, orientation, font...) - four standard graphics fonts available - write graphics-text at specified (x,y) coordinate - definable text alignment (left, right, centered), orientation, size and slant - direct access to hardware graphics-pages FUTURE EXTENSIONS: - addition of some MOUSE handling procedures, - inclusion of interrupt driven serial I/O support for up to 8 (eight) serial lines - performance enhancements - some more DOS-features (file attributes set/reset, directory management: create, delete, change...) - maybe some more depending on the users's (your) needs. I hope this helps for the first time. All requests will be answered as soon as possible. Walter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Walter Muellner ! /X /X Institut of Statistics and ! // // / Computer Science ! X/ o X/ o X University of Vienna, Austria ! // /~~ / Lenaugasse 2/8 ! / ==/ A-1080 Wien ! e-mail: A4424DAA@AWIUNI11.BITNET ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------