[comp.sys.transputer] Job posting: 2 swr. architect/implementers for iWarp supercomputer

pweiss@iwarps.intel.com (Paul Weiss) (09/09/89)

Hello.  This is a job posting.  If its presence here offends you, I
apologize.  This is not a naive posting; I believe that these jobs are
interesting opportunities for people who are likely to be reading
precisely these newsgroups, and unlikely to be found among the casual
perusers of misc.jobs.*.  If you feel the need to flame, please do it to
me directly, and don't waste net bandwidth with your fury, nor change
the foci of valuable groups.  (I recognize I'm doing that to some
degree with this posting, but again, please just skip this message if
you feel it's out of order.)  Please page down past the form feed char
if you want to read about the opportunities.
Let me first introduce the iWarp project. iWarp is a joint research
and development project between Intel and Carnegie-Mellon University,
sponsored by DARPA.  The iWarp team is building a multicomputer (O(10)
to O(1000) PEs) based on a new 20 MIPS, 20 MFLOPS single chip
processor.  The processor also contains a "silicon network" with a 320
MByte/sec/cell aggregate bandwidth, supporting both systolic (1D and
2D) and message-passing communication models.  The system is optimized
for image and signal processing applications, and will deliver multi
GFLOPS performance.  A good introductory technical reference for the
project is Borkar, S.  et. al., "iWarp: an Integrated Solution to
High-speed Parallel Computing", in the IEEE _Proceedings of the
Supercomputing Conference_, Orlando, Fl. Nov.  1988.

The project is located near Portland, OR.  We will be collocated with
Intel Scientific Computer Division (iSC), the group responsible for
Intel's commercial hypercube machine - the iPSC/2 - but the iWarp
project is a separate entrepreneurial group, relatively independent
from the rest of Intel.  We've found it difficult to find people who
have the needed skills through the normal channels; thus this appeal to
the net.  We need two very senior software engineers having experience
with parallel systems: one to work on debugging tools, and a second to
work on a parallel file system.

The first is a person who can take full responsibility for the
architecture and implementation of a wide range of parallel and single
cell debugging tools for the iWarp project.  This person's skills
should include having built debuggers for both single- and multi-
computers, including having designed and developed the supporting
kernel structures, having specified the language processor support,
and having built user interfaces to the debugging tools.

The second person will design and implement a fast, high capacity
attached file system.  The system must provide access to data files
potentially larger than a single disk, and should allow parallel
access to blocks stored across several physical volumes to balance the
relatively slow disk I/O bandwidth with the high internal aggregate
computation and interprocessor communication bandwidths characteristic
of the iWarp cell array.  Evaluation of disk technologies, including
redundancy issues, and the design of the associated kernel support
will also be parts of this job.

Both are single-person projects, at the moment - the designs are wide
open, with very few constraints or givens.  So too are our long-term
organizational plans: either or both of these jobs may evolve to
encompass supervisory responsibilities, if that is desired by the
people we hire to do the architecture and initial implementations.  If
you believe you have the appropriate skills, please send your resume
to me.  No new college grads, please, unless you've done
research/thesis work in *directly* related areas.  

We will be staffing to higher levels over the next year, however, and
will eventually need generalists with backgrounds in operating systems
and languages.  I will be more than happy to accept a pile of feeler
resumes from people who have an interest in the project, but who are
not appropriate for the two "hot" positions we are trying to fill now.
In that case, please indicate in a cover letter that your response is
for our "later" file.  I can be reached in one of the following

By U.S. mail;

	Paul Weiss
	Manager, Systems Software
	Intel iWarp Division JF1-60
	5200 N.E. Elam Young Pkwy.
	Hillsboro OR 97124

By email;


By phone;


