[comp.sys.transputer] Tranbsputer link compression

pcf@galadriel.bt.co.uk (Pete French) (09/28/89)

I am trying to improve the performance of a transputer link over which I am
sending ethernet packets. Using 1500 byte packets I can get approximately
2.9 Mbit/s over a link. This is not enough and buying new transputers with
overlapping link protocols is not an option .

What I am thinking off doing is compressing each packet before sending it
and then uncompressing it at the far end. Has anyone out there tried this at
all and if so what results did you get ? I dont want to reinvenvent the wheel
if it has already been done.


       -Pete French.               | "I'm just a vision on your TV screen,
  British Telecom Research Labs.   |  Just something conjoured from a dream"
 Martlesham Heath, East Anglia.    |
All my own thoughts (of course)    |                       -SIOUXSIE.