[comp.sys.transputer] NATUG 2 - discount registration reminder

jab@DUKEE.EGR.DUKE.EDU (John A. Board) (09/29/89)

Just a reminder that discounted registration for the upcoming
North American Transputer Users Group meeting in Durham NC must
be postmarked by October 1.  You save $50 by registering early.  
A copy of the registration info follows - if you would like a copy
of the conference schedule (it hasn't changed since my last posting
about 10 days ago or the bright green INMOS mail shot) please email me!
John Board - jab@dukee.egr.duke.edu - General and Program Chair - NATUG 2.

     North American Transputer Users Group Fall Conference
            Sheraton University Center, Durham NC
                   October 18 & 19, 1989

Organized by:                         Academic Sponsor:
Brian Raines, CTC, CMP                Duke University
Western Leisure, Inc.                 Durham, NC 27706
1172 Brickyard Rd., Suite 200
Salt Lake City, Utah 84106
(800) 532-2113

John Board, D.Phil, Duke University, Durham, NC - Program and General Chair
Electronic mail address: jab@dukee.egr.duke.edu

Conference Description:  Transputers are being used all over the world for
an increasing number of scientific, commercial, and educational
applications.  Meet Transputer users and others interested in learning
more about this novel processor.  Papers from North America and around
the world will describe some of the most interesting Transputer work
going on today.

Preliminary Conference Schedule:
Wednesday, October 18
  AM     Registration, Check-in, Exhibitor Setup (first Mezzanine)
  8:45AM Meeting Commences (Greenbriar Conference Area)
 10:00AM Break
 10:30AM Meeting Resumes
    Noon Lunch
  1:30PM Meeting Resumes
  3:15PM Break
  5:15PM Meeting Adjourns
  5:30PM Reception
  6:15PM Mardi Gras Buffet Dinner (Pool Side)
  9:00PM Informal Software Forum
         NATUG Executive Committee Meeting (Sheraton Board Room)
Thursday, October 19
  7:30AM Continental Breakfast in Exhibit Area
  8:00AM Meeting Commences (Greenbriar Conference Area)
 10:00AM Break
 10:30AM Meeting Resumes
    Noon Lunch
  1:30PM Meeting Resumes
  3:45PM Conference Adjourns

                    Program Registration Information
* Early Registration is Strongly Advised

* Registration Fees:  Early (Postmarked by 1 Oct 89)     Regular
                      $230 (Concierge upgrade $10)       $280 (Upgrade $10)

(Your registration includes: Roundtrip airport transfers, delux hotel
lodging for Oct. 18 (tax included), all conference meals (one continental
breakfast, two luncheons, one reception/dinner, three meeting breaks),
1 copy of the conference proceedings.)

Conference Attendees (Commuter, No Lodging)
                      Early                              Regular
                      $170                               $195

Student/Spouse (Meals only, no proceeding) - $80

* Registration will be confirmed in writing and more information on
  travel and hotel will be sent providing registration is received by
  Oct. 1, 1989.

* Registration cancellation must be confirmed in writing, and a penalty
  of 10% of paid registration fee will be assessed.  No refund will be
  made if cancellation is postmarked after Oct. 13, 1989, however, 
  registration (less 10% assessment), can be applied toward a future
  NATUG program.

* This NATUG program meets the requirements for deductability under the
  new Tax Reform Act; however, you should consult your own financial
  authority for specific interpretation.

* For additional program/lodging information, call Western Leisure, Inc.
  (9:00AM - 5:00PM MST) at (800)532-2113.

                   Airline Travel Information

* North American Transputer Users Group has appointed Western Leisure, Inc.
  and American Airlines as the offical agency and air carrier for this

* American Airlines will extend special conference rates to and from
  Durham, NC for this meeting.  A 40% discount on full day coach
  (7 day advance ticketing), and 5% discounts will be given on all
  published promotional fares.

* For information on reduced airfare reservations and ticketing
  assistance, call American Airlines Meeting Service Desk toll free
  at (800)433-1790.  Ask for a special Meeting Saver Fare and indicate
  NATUG's STAR file #SO309VZ.
         North American Transputer Users Group Conference
                   and Hotel Registration Form

Please complete this form and mail with appropriate payment to:
       Western Leisure, Inc., 1172 Brickyard Rd., Suite 200,
       Salt Lake City, UT 84106 USA
       Phone, toll free (800)532-2113, FAX: (801)467-7301

NATUG Fall Conference, Durham, NC USA - October 18 & 19, 1989

Name:__________________________________ Title:_________________________

Will Spouse Attend: Yes  No (Circle One) Firm/Institution:_____________


City, State, ZIP/Postal Code:__________________________________________

Phone: Home:____________________ Work:_________________________________

Email Address:_________________________________________________________


Enclosed is payment of $__________.

Charge to: VISA, MasterCard, American Express (Circle One)

Card Number:______________________________________________

Expiration Date:__________ Signature:_____________________

(An additional 3% handling charge will apply to credit card registrations)

          Pre/Post Conference Lodging Reservations

Western Leisure wil reserve additional nights, but attendee will pay
directly to hotel.

Please reserve the accommodations checked below for:

Arrival Date & Time:____________________ Departure:____________________

Room Occupants:________________________________________________________

Type of Accommodations: 
        Deluxe Room $61.95 (includes 5% tax) per night_________________

        Concierge Upgrade $72.45 (includes 5% tax) per night___________

Please guarantee my late arrival (after 4:00 PM) to my credit card. YES NO
