[comp.sys.transputer] OCCAM compiler for a microVAX

MY@astronomy.physics.southampton.ac.uk (Mike.Yearworth@prg.oxford.ac.uk, (10/09/89)

   I am looking for an OCCAM compiler to run on my microVAX(VMS), i.e.
something that will produce an object file that can be linked and
run as usual. If anybody has any details of products, freebies and
so on please contact

Dr. Michael Yearworth          | janet - my@uk.ac.soton.phastr
High Energy Astrophysics Group | span  - 19460::my
Physics Department             | UKstarlink - soton::my
Southampton University         | tel - 44 (703) 592079
Southampton SO9 5NH            | fax - 44 (703) 585813
U.K.                           | 