Grain for thought: Performance with programmability is the target. Surely the point is to keep the memory as busy as possible? Cycles-per-instruction is not the issue, but accesses-per-memory-location. Microprocessors in general are too big: A 10 mip processor with 10 Meg of RAM accesses each location only once per second. What a waste of RAM! The `grain-y-ness' of occam is great, with its 3 primative processes, hierarchical process structure and lack of shared memory. When applied to transputers however, the niceness begins to break down. Distributing a program on transputers imposes a flat process structure, with a limit of 4 channels per process. Processes with internal parallelism (i.e. communication) run time-sliced. What is required is transputers with internal transputers! How about a (size 1) TRAM with 4 T2s arranged in a tetrahedral structure, although RAM would be a big problem here. Even more interesting would be 4 (say) transputers on the same die. In this case the intra-die link engines need not be serial but 8- (or why not 32-) bit parallel -- this would really get the data flowing. We need systems with *much* higher processor-communication / RAM. This may require smaller processors with better communication (looks very neural-nettish, eh?) Iestyn Walters. "Representation is the essence of programming" -- Where does that leave occam?