[comp.sys.transputer] matrix inversion on multiple transputers

MILLERN@isnet.inmos.co.uk (10/13/89)

Do you know of any good routines for solvving systems of linear equations
Do you know of any good routines for solvving systems of linear equations
Do you know of any good routines for solvving systems of linear equations

MILLERN@isnet.inmos.co.uk (10/13/89)

Do you know of any good routines for solving systems of linear equations onmultiple transputer networks.   While I am interestedin general in what is
available, my special need is to be able to solve very large, sparse equations
iteratively.    The Gauss-Seidel-Newton relaxation algorithm is a catchy
name that springs to mind.    I'm sure that I am not the first person
to want to do this. 

Thanks for you attention, Neil Miller (Inmos Ltd., Bristol).
(UK) 0454-616616 x362 or millerN@isnet.inmos.co.uk