[comp.sys.transputer] OUG Proceedings



>From: Andrew P Bakkers
E-mail: elbscbks@HENUT5.BITNET

Re: Proceedings of the European Occam User Group Conferences.
I have received many requests on subject proceedings so here
is the complete information:

OUG-7 14-16 September 1987, Grenoble France.
"Parallel Programming of Transputer Based Machines"
Edited by T. Muntean, University of Grenoble.
480 pages, price USD 110

OUG-8 27-29 March 1988, Sheffield UK.
"Developments Using Occam"
Edited by J. Kerridge, University of Sheffield.
214 pages, price USD 50

OUG-9 19-21 September 1988, Southampton UK.
"Occam and the Transputer - Research and Applications"
Edited by C. Askew, Southampton Transputer Support Centre UK.
176 pages, price USD 50

OUG-10 3-5 April 1989, Enschede NL.
"Applying Transputer Based Parallel Machines"
Edited by A. Bakkers, University of Twente NL.
317 pages, price USD 65

The proceedings are available from:
                                       For USA and Canada
IOS                                    IOS
Van Diemenstraat 94                    P.O. Box 2848
1013 CN Amsterdam                      Springfield, VA 22152-2848
The Netherlands                        USA
Telefax:+31-20-22 60 55

Customers in The Netherlands should add 6% VAT.

J.Wexler@edinburgh.ac.uk (12/06/89)

Proceedings of the European Occam User Group Conferences.

This is an update of Andy Bakkers' list of the published proceedings of
these meetings, and including the recent OUG-11 in Edinburgh.

OUG-11 25-26 September 1989, Edinburgh UK.
"Developing Transputer Applications"
Edited by J. Wexler, Edinburgh Concurrent Supercomputer Project UK.
195 pages, price USD 55

OUG-10 3-5 April 1989, Enschede NL.
"Applying Transputer Based Parallel Machines"
Edited by A. Bakkers, University of Twente NL.
317 pages, price USD 65

OUG-9 19-21 September 1988, Southampton UK.
"Occam and the Transputer - Research and Applications"
Edited by C. Askew, Southampton Transputer Support Centre UK.
176 pages, price USD 50

OUG-8 27-29 March 1988, Sheffield UK.
"Developments Using Occam"
Edited by J. Kerridge, University of Sheffield.
214 pages, price USD 50

OUG-7 14-16 September 1987, Grenoble France.
"Parallel Programming of Transputer Based Machines"
Edited by T. Muntean, University of Grenoble.
480 pages, price USD 110

The proceedings are available from:
                                       For USA and Canada
IOS                                    IOS
Van Diemenstraat 94                    P.O. Box 2848
1013 CN Amsterdam                      Springfield, VA 22152-2848
The Netherlands                        USA
Telefax:+31-20-22 60 55                +1 703 250 47 05

For Japan
Highway Development Co. Ltd.
1st Golden Building
8-2-9 Ginza
Japan 104
Telefax: +81 35 72 86 72

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