[comp.sys.transputer] Info on Emacs macros

nobody@KODAK.COM (Jeff Gerstenberger) (12/22/89)

I have received several requests to post my GNU Emacs macros which emulate
the TDS folding editor.  The macros will be posted in a separate item to the
newsgroup.  The remainder of this item has general information on the macros
and source code for a conversion program to prepare "listed" TDS files for
editting with the Emacs macros.

As stated in my earlier posting, the macros originated elsewhere and I have
made modifications to them to get them to emulate our version of TDS more
closely.  We use the macros on Sun workstations for editing Toolset source
files.  The right keypad is used for invoking the fold-related operations.
(some of the operations are prefaced by hitting the "Alternate" key).
The key bindings of these operations are accessible through Emacs (as well as
by just looking at the source code), and obviously can be changed to suit
your own needs.

The editor macros make extensive use of Emacs' point and mark which, strictly
speaking, is a no-no.  Experienced users of Emacs may find this to be a 
nuisance, in which case they may wish to fix it (hint, hint)!  (I haven't gotten 
around to it yet, and probably won't have the time for quite a while.)  If 
anyone does make changes and/or improvements, I'd like to know about them.

Following the (usual) disclaimer below and my signature, is C source for a
program which takes files that have been "listed" using the TDS utilities
and slightly changes them for the Emacs macros.  (It mostly reduces the
number of fold-mark characters that appear on fold lines).  It makes going
from TDS to the Toolset quite easy.

DISCLAIMER:  This software is NOT a supported product of Eastman Kodak.
             Kodak assumes no responsibility for maintaining this software
             and is not liable for any damage it may cause during its
             use.  We're happy to let you use it, but don't blame us
             if it acts up!

Jeff Gerstenberger                 gerst@gerst.kodak.com
Digital Technology Center          (716) 726-7003
Eastman Kodak Company    
Rochester, NY  14653-5324


#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
    char file_in[50], file_out[50];
    char line[256];
    char answer[20], command[100];
    FILE *ifp, *ofp;
    int i, j, len;
    printf("\nFile to be converted for Emacs folding editor: ");
    scanf("%s", file_in);
    strcpy(file_out, file_in);
    strcat(file_out, "_cvt");
    if ((ifp = fopen(file_in, "r")) == NULL)  {
	printf("Error: Unable to open input file.\n");

    if (fopen(file_out, "r") != NULL)  {
	printf("Error: Output file already exists.\n");

    if ((ofp = fopen(file_out, "w")) == NULL)  {
	printf("Error: Unable to create output file.\n");

    line[0] = '\0';
    strcat(line, "--{");
    strcat(line, file_in);
    strcat(line, ":");
    strcat(line, file_in);
    strcat(line, "\n");
    fputs(line, ofp);
    while (fgets(line, 256, ifp) != NULL)  {
	len = strlen(line);
	for (i=0; i<len-4; i++)  {
	    if (strncmp(&line[i], "--{{{", 5) == 0)  {
		line[i+3] = ':';
		for (j=i+5; j<=len; j++)
		    line[j-1] = line[j];
		i += 3;
	    if (strncmp(&line[i], "--}}}", 5) == 0)  {
		for (j=i+5; j<=len; j++)
		    line[j-2] = line[j];
		i += 2;
	fputs(line, ofp);

    line[0] = '\0';
    strcat(line, "--}\n");
    fputs(line, ofp);

    sprintf(command, "mv %s %s\n", file_out, file_in);
    printf("Conversion done.  OK to overwrite input file? ");
    scanf("%s", answer);
    if (strlen(answer) == 1)  {
	if ((answer[0] == 'y') || (answer[0] == 'Y'))
	    printf("Output written to '%s'.\n", file_out);
    else if (strlen(answer) == 3)  {
        if ((strcmp(answer, "yes") == 0) || (strcmp(answer, "YES") == 0))
	    printf("Output written to '%s'.\n", file_out);
	printf("Output written to '%s'.\n", file_out);