[comp.sys.transputer] Replacing C004 on B011 with an 84 pin header

ozkan@VUSE.VANDERBILT.EDU (Mehmed Ozkan) (12/28/89)

 We have an  IMSB011 board runing on SUN3/110, which 
 has a transputer and a C004 crossbar switch together
 with some other stuff. Our system is configured such that
 the  transputer boots through the VME bus, using C012 and 
 C004 in between. We use  EXPRESS as the software environment,
 in which transputers are treated as nodes, and communication
 between nodes are handled by the EXPRESS kernel. We also
 have a number of other transbuter placed in INMOS item box,
 that we want to link with the transputer we have on B011.
 Problem: We want to replace the C004 with a pre-wired
 84-pin header, for a fixed hardware configuration.
 We know how to hardwire the transputer links to P2 expansion.
 We also know that if we were to use C004, Link3Out, and Link3In
 (D1, C4) would be connected to C012 LInkIn and C012 LinkOut 
 respectively. What we could not figure out from the manuals
 is how to connect the transputer's Link0 to the C012 Link Adapter.
 There is no connection between the C004 and the transputer's
 0th link, according to B011 manual page 25. But the transputer
 would be booting from this 0th link if we were to use C004.
 If you did this kind of replacement or do know how to do it,
 please send the information to :
 Thanks in advance.
 Mehmed Ozkan
 Vanderbilt University
 Box 6652/B
 Nashville, TN 37235