[comp.sys.transputer] occam user group -- 12th Technical Meeting Registration details

Geraint.Jones@prg.oxford.ac.uk (Geraint Jones) (02/09/90)

	12th Technical Meeting of the OCCAM USER GROUP, 1-4 April 1990

The Occam  User Group  invites  all those  interested  in the programming  and
application  of transputer  based architectures  to attend  its 12th Technical
Meeting  at  the  University  of Exeter  (England).  The  conference  includes
lectures,  an exhibition,  a panel session with key speakers,  and meetings of
the Special Interest Groups.  The emphasis of the conference  is on techniques
and tools  that allow  transputers  to be used  effectively.  The meeting  and
exhibition  will  take  place  in Streatham  Court  and accommodation  will be
provided  on campus  in the Duryard  Halls  of Residence.  The  University  is
situated  one mile from the centre  of Exeter  and its attractive  site enjoys
fine views  over the  Exe Estuary  and Dartmoor  Hills.  Free  car parking  is
available in both Streatham Court and the Halls of Residence.

The  meeting  starts  at 9.00am  on Monday  2nd April  and ends  at 2.20pm  on
Wednesday  4th April.  The SIGs  will  meet  on Monday  evening  and Wednesday
morning.  There will be a conference dinner on Tuesday.

To register,  please apply using the attached form,  which must be sent to the
Conference  Secretary,  Mrs M.  Teague,  to arrive  not later  than  1st March
1990.  The number of places at this meeting  is limited to 240 and places will
be allocated  in order of receipt  of registration  form.  Please  complete  a
separate form for each delegate,  using photocopies  of the form as necessary.

The RESIDENTIAL  fee includes  accommodation  and  ALL  meals  (including  the
conference  dinner and coffee/tea  in the  session  intervals)  from dinner on
Sunday 1st April to tea on Wednesday  4th April,  as well as admission  to all
sessions and the exhibition  and one copy of the published proceedings.  Extra
nights' accommodation  (bed and breakfast  only)  preceding  or following  the
conference  may be booked at L9.95 (inc VAT)  per night.  If this is required,
please indicate your arrival and departure dates on the form.

The  NON-RESIDENTIAL   fee  includes   admission   to  all  sessions  and  the
exhibition,  one copy of the published proceedings,  coffee/lunch/tea each day
and the conference dinner on Tuesday evening.

Registrations MUST be accompanied by one of the following:

	a banker's draft for the full amount, in STERLING and drawn on a
	UK bank, made payable to the ``University of Exeter''

or 	an offical Company or University order form: please note that the
	invoice raised should be paid by 9th March to guarantee the booking

or 	credit card authorization (VISA or MasterCard only): please write
	your credit card number clearly on the attached form.

No refunds  can  be made  for  cancellation  of registration  for  any reason.
Inclusive fees are NOT subject to VAT.

      (All sums of money are in pounds sterling; VAT is `Value Added Tax'  gj)

All enquiries  regarding registration  and related matters should be addressed
	Mrs M. Teague
	Department of Computer Science
	Prince of Wales Road
	Exeter EX4 4PT
		Fax: +44 392 264067
		E-mail: sec@uk.ac.ex.cs
		Tel: +44 392 264061

Please tick relevant boxes in the form below, and return to the address shown.


This form must be returned before 1st March 1990 to: Mrs M. Teague,
Department of Computer Science, Prince of Wales Road, Exeter EX4 4PT, England.

Name:    _______________________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________





Telephone: ______________________  E-mail: _____________________________

NON-RESIDENTIAL		[  ]  L85.00 (no VAT)
RESIDENTIAL (Sun-Tue)	[  ] L135.00 (no VAT)

extra nights @ L9.95	[  ] Saturday
   (including VAT)      [  ] Wednesday

	TOTAL	      L ______

Payment method:	Cheque	Banker's Purchase  Credit card
			Draft	 Order	   VISA /  MasterCard
		 [  ]    [  ]   _________   [  ]     [  ]

	 Payable to `University of Exeter'
					    Card number:  ____________________
I will be travelling by AIR  TRAIN  CAR
					    Expiry Date:  ____________________
                        [  ]  [  ]  [  ]

Special dietary needs: please specify         Signature:  ____________________
details on separate sheet
			      [  ]                 Date:  ____________________
