[comp.sys.transputer] OUG 12th Technical Meeting

steve@cs.exeter.ac.uk (Steve Turner) (02/16/90)


              EXETER UNIVERSITY, ENGLAND,  1st - 4th APRIL

Sunday, 1st April (Duryard Halls)

1600-1830  Registration (Kay House)
1830-1930  Dinner
1930-2000  Opening Reception (Kay Common Room)

Monday, 2nd April (Streatham Court)

0830-0915  Registration
0915-0930  Opening Session
0930-1000  "Do-it-Yourself" Shared Memory Instruction Sets in occam
                                                            M.I. Cole (Glasgow)
1000-1030  A Deadlock-Free Communication System for a Transputer Network
                 E. Gallizzi (Eckerd, USA), M. Cannataro, G. Spezzano, D. Talia
                                                                  (CRAI, Italy)
1030-1100  Coffee
1100-1130  A Parallel Semantic Net Engine and its Application to Data Modelling
                                    Y.N. Lee (Softwright Systems Ltd, Hatfield)
1130-1200  Parallel-DB4GL: An Implementation of a Self-describing Object-
           oriented Database Application Generator on Transputer Hardware
                                                J.P. Gray, F. Poole (Sheffield)
1200-1230  Inmos Presentation and Product Update         Mark Jones(Inmos, Ltd)
1230-1400  Lunch (Devonshire House)
1400-1430  Using Transputers to Simulate Optoelectronic Computers
                            I. Cramb, C. Upstill (Plessey Research Ltd, Romsey)
1430-1500  An Investigation of several Parallel Genetic Algorithms
                                            D. Macfarlane, I. East (Buckingham)
1500-1530  An Efficient Global Convergence Detection Scheme for Parallel
           Algorithms on Transputer Networks
                    K.G. Kumar, A. Basu, S. Srinivas, A. Paulraj (C-DAC, India)
1530-1600  Tea
1600-1630  Implementing Recursion on a Double Ring Topology
                               J.L. Jacquemin (Nimes), M. Griffiths (Marseille)
1630-1700  A Distributed Logic Programming Language and its Implementation on
           Transputer Networks
                           J.A.C. Cunha, P.A.D. Medeiros, L.M. Pereira (Lisbon)
1700-1730  CS Prolog - Parallel Programming in Logic with Transputers
                                     S. Schulze-Kremer (Brainware GmbH, Berlin)
1830-1930  Dinner (Duryard Halls)
2000-2300  Special Interest Groups (Duryard Common Rooms)

Tuesday, 3rd April (Streatham Court)

0900-0930  Transputer Models for a High-Performance Local Area Network Bridge
                                               A.M. Sarrafan, P.H. Welch (Kent)
0930-1000  Design of a High Performance Protocol Analysis System using
                S. Kazi, R. Hockman (Wandel & Goltermann Technologies Inc, USA)
1000-1030  Host Independent Access to Transputers              R. Peel (Surrey)
1030-1100  Coffee
1100-1130  Experimental Studies of Conservative Distributed Discrete-Event
           Simulation on Transputer Networks       W. Cai, S.J. Turner (Exeter)
1130-1200  A Transputer based Workstation Accelerator for  Optimisation
           Algorithms                 F.W.D. Woodhams, W.L. Price (East Anglia)
1200-1230  Commercials/Announcements Session
1230-1400  Lunch (Devonshire House)
1400-1430  Occam Program Synthesis for execution on parallel machines:
           a transformational approach             X. Yu, T. Muntean (Grenoble)
1430-1500  A Dynamic Switch for Transputer Links
                                               J. Hofstede, A. Lensink (Twente)
1500-1530  Processor Farm Analysis and Simulation for Embedded Parallel
           Processing Systems             R.W.S. Tregidgo, A.C. Downton (Essex)
1530-1600  Tea
1600-1630  A Method for Monitoring Occam Internal Channels
                                A. d'Acierno, G. De Pietro, U. Villano (Naples)
1630-1730  OUG Business and Panel Session
1900-1930  Sherry Reception (Devonshire House)
1930-2400  Conference Dinner

Wednesday, 4th April (Streatham Court from 1030)

0900-1030  Special Interest Groups (Duryard Common Rooms)
1030-1100  Coffee
1100-1130  The Design of a Real Time Three Dimensional Vision System for
           Object Identification         J. Edwards, I. Sillitoe (Loughborough)
1130-1200  Control of a Servo Loop for a Vision System
                                           T. Stavenuiter, H. Roebbers (Twente)
1200-1230  An Application of Ultrasonic Signal Processing in a mixed system of
           transputers and digital signal processors
                                                 A.R. Allen, D. Wang (Aberdeen)
1230-1400  Lunch (Devonshire House)
1400-1430  Incremental Behavioural Simulation on a Network of Transputers
                                                  K.R. Dimond, S. Hassan (Kent)
1430-1500  A High Level Software Environment for Transputer based Systems
                                               A. West, P.C. Capon (Manchester)
1500-1530  Closing Session
1530-1600  Tea

Registration forms are available from the Conference Secretary, Mrs M.  Teague.
The RESIDENTIAL fee of #135 includes accommodation and all meals (including the
conference dinner and coffee/tea in  the  session  intervals)  from  dinner  on
Sunday  1st  April  to  tea on Wednesday 4th April, as well as admission to all
sessions and the exhibition and one copy of the published proceedings.

The NON-RESIDENTIAL fee of #85 includes  admission  to  all  sessions  and  the
exhibition,  one  copy  of the published proceedings, coffee/lunch/tea each day
and the conference dinner  on  Tuesday  evening.   Registration  fees  are  NOT
subject to VAT (Value Added Tax).  # means pounds sterling.

Completed registration forms must be returned no later  than  1st  MARCH.   All
enquiries regarding registration and related matters should be addressed to:

Mrs M. Teague,  Department of Computer Science, University of Exeter, Prince of
Wales Road, Exeter EX4 4PT, England.

Fax: [+44] (0)392-264067    E-mail: sec@uk.ac.ex.cs    Tel: [+44] (0)392-264061

All other enquiries should be made to the organiser,  Dr Stephen Turner, at the
Department of Computer Science.   E-mail: steve@uk.ac.ex.cs    Tel: 0392-264048