[comp.sys.transputer] Express problems / Parallel Prologs

K312240@AEARN.BITNET (Klaus Kusche) (02/26/90)

Dear Mailing List:

First the question:

We have Strand-88 running on a PC with transputer boards here.
This version of Strand is based on the Express operating system.
They (AI Ltd.) deliver just the Express binaries needed to run Strand,
and just the Express docu to be able to run Strand (very little).

We have problems with the configuration utility which sets up Express.
It works fine in text mode, but is very hard to use in graphics mode:
The reason for this seems to be that this tool doesn't like our VGA
card: The graphic screen is offset a little bit both horizontally and
vertically, some menue items are off the screen or unreachable with the
mouse cursor, and sometimes the tool crashes alltogether, leaving the
VGA card in an unuseable state (Reset is the only way out).

As this graphic configuration tool seems to be very useful and
comfortable, I would like to know if there is any way to make it run
on our VGA screens (this is *not* a problem of adjusting the monitor!).
We have ATI VGA Wonder cards, but will switch to Video 7 VRAM's soon.

Now some answers concerning parallel Prologs for transputers:

I'm aware of four commercial products:
* Strand-88 by AI Ltd.
* CS-Prolog by Multilogic / Brainware.
* Parallel Prolog by Parsytec.
* Parallel Prolog by Paralogic.

Moreover, I have seen two notes about academic developments on this list
(originals appended below).


* Klaus Kusche                                                         *
* Research Institute for Symbolic Computation                          *
* Johannes Kepler University           Tel: +43 7236 3231 67           *
* A-4040 Linz                          Telex: (Austria) 22323 uni li a *
* Austria (Europe)                     Fax: +43 7236 3231 30           *
*                                                                      *
* Bitnet:           K312240@AEARN                                      *
* Arpa/CS/Internet: K312240%AEARN.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU               *
* UUCP:             mcvax!aearn.bitnet!K312240                         *
* Janet:            k312240@earn.aearn or k312240%aearn@earn-relay     *

>From: mcsun!hp4nl!star.cs.vu.nl!hansteb@uunet.uu.net  (Tebra Hans)
Organization: V.U. Informatica, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Subject: Thesis book for sale

Next tuesday, at November 21, I will defend my thesis, titled

	"Optimistic AND-parallelism in Prolog"

A number of copies are available to interested readers in
the logic programming and parallel-processing field.

Softcover, 180 pages.

I am willing to send copies for U.S. $15 by surface mail.
This price covers postage and printing costs.

To order a copy:
Transfer U.S. $15 to bank account number
of Hans Tebra, Bank: N.M.B; P.O Box 1800; Amsterdam Holland.

Or, send a check to
Hans Tebra, N.M.B. Bank,
P.O. Box 1800
Amsterdam, Holland, Location KC 03.02.


In this thesis, a new method for parallel execution of the logic
programming language Prolog is presented.  In addition to a detailed
discussion of algorithms, a realistic implementation of the method is
given.  The thesis concludes with an observation of the strong and weak
points of the method.

In chapter 2, the principles of executing a logic program are
described; they are centered around the notions of resolution,
unification and backtracking.  For the first practical logic language,
called Prolog, the implementation in a conventional computer system is
illustrated by means of program fragments that reflect the resolution
and unification of Prolog.

Chapter 3 covers the methods of obtaining faster execution by means of
parallel methods.  The main categories are AND and OR parallelism.
They are orthogonal, i.e. each of the methods can be implemented
without concern of the details of the other method.

A number of logic programming languages have been designed that have
the notion of parallelism incorporated in the language.  The languages
that are most widely known are discussed in chapter 4.  In two aspects,
they differ significantly from the original language Prolog.  In
addition to the facilities that allow the programmer to control
parallel execution directly, the semantics of these languages has been
altered with respect to the capability to find multiple solutions.  The
concept of backtracking has disappeared and a new "guard" statement has
been introduced to restrict the process of searching for alternative
solutions.  To solve implementation difficulties, simpler "flat"
versions have been derived.

Because it is uncertain at this moment whether the parallel languages
are as powerful as Prolog, that language has been chosen as a basis for
investigation of AND-parallelism.  In chapter 5, a new method, called
"optimistic AND-parallelism" is introduced.  It is a method that tries
to exploit as much of the potential AND-parallelism in the program as
can be found.  The parallelism is in the process executing the Prolog
program, not in the logic program itself.  Contrary to other
AND-parallel methods, the optimistic method is capable of dealing with
complex, recursive data structures such as lists and trees.  This is
essential for any parallel method because almost every real life
program is based on these structures.  It is called optimistic because
the parallel parts of the program "hope" that their operations do not
create conflicts.  If conflicts occur, it is expected that they are not
frequent.  Then, a repair operation must be carried out to correct a
the contents of a logic variable.  From this point of view, the other
AND-parallel methods may be called pessimistic.  They are based on
conflict avoidance, hence reducing the number of processes that are
executed in parallel.

The optimistic method is specified in terms of "solver" processes,
operating in an abstract machine.  New versions of the resolution and
unification algorithms illustrate the differences with respect of the
sequential implementation of chapter 2.  Large programs cause a large
number of solvers to be generated.  To control the resources of the
abstract machine, the method must be fitted with a utility to perform
reorganisations at intervals.

In chapter 6, an analysis of interactions between parallel unifications
of three different example programs are given.  Cost functions are
defined that are based on the number of accesses to variables that are
located in the memory of foreign solver processes.  A composition of
parallel operations gives functions for the number of consecutive
elementary operations that are performed to executed the examples.  For
sorting example programs, the cost model predicts that the number of
operations to be executed after another is proportional to the size of
the lists to be sorted.

Chapter 7 presents a realistic implementation of the abstract machine
of chapter 5.  The architecture of the system must be scalable, to
obtain a further improvement of the processing capability if components
are added.  The Transputer has been selected as the key component of a
grid structure.  The properties of this MIMD-system have been used to
build a simulator program to investigate performance in terms of
elapsed time, allocation of processes, overloading of processors and
uncontrolled growth of the process load in parts of the system.

The simulation timings were compared to the cost model of chapter 6.
For one of the example programs, the summing program, the results of
the model and the simulation did agree.  The number of active processes
in this example is within narrow bounds.  A sorting program resultsed
in uncontrolled growth and heavy overloading of the system caused the
processing times to rise beyond values predicted by the cost model.

The investigation of the optimistic method has shown that this kind of
implicit parallelism is possible.  The small-scale simulation
experiment has learned that improvements over sequential execution are
possible.  The execution of the logic programs must be controlled to
prevent an abundance of useless processes to flood the system.  Further
research is needed to implement an automatic throttle that prevents the
solvers from being created at will.

>From: Carl-Lykke Pedersen <carllp@diku.dk>
Subject: Parallel Prologs on Transputers

You could contact Balkrishna Ramkumar <ramkumar@cs.uiuc.edu> for
information on ROLOG (Reduce-Or LOGic). It is free.
