[comp.sys.transputer] Third North American Transputer Users Group: Program & Reg. Info

STILES@cc.usu.edu (Dyke Stiles) (03/07/90)

                                         Sheraton Sunnyvale, CA 
                                          April 26 & 27, 1990 
Organized by:                                   Program and General Chair 
Brian Raines, CIC, CMP                          Alan S. Wagner 
Executive Meeting Management                    Dept. of Computer Science 
P.O. Box 434                                    University of British Columbia 
Camp Hill, PA 17001                             E-Mail: Wagner@cs.ubc.cdn 
        Contributions from North America and around the World will
discuss the latest research and applications in transputers.


   A special session devoted to systems for topology and machine
independent programming will be held during the meeting.
   Those using transputers and similar parallel processing  systems
realize that developing programs to run on specific  topologies can
be a tedious and time-consuming chore.  The  problem is greatly
magnified when the user must be able to adapt  to changing
topologies or to completely different machines.  We  have all been
waiting for the day when program development  becomes independent
of the specific details of the hardware.  
   Several research organizations and software firms have been 
working to develop packages to ease the task of developing 
programs for a variety of parallel processing platforms.  Some  of
these are now on the market.  NATUG has invited  representatives
to discuss nine of these projects at the Spring  meeting.  Those
appearing, and their topics, include:  
Prasad Vishnubhotla, Ohio State:                        Alps  
Adam Kolawa, Parasoft:                                  Express/Cubix  
Jim Engle, MIMD System:                                 Helios  
Wm Leler, ex-Cogent:                                    Linda  
Jan Graat, Parsec:                                      PAR.C  
John Florentin, Birkbeck College                        Strand  
Paul King, Real Time Systems:                           transIDRIS  
Dave Fielding, Cornell:                                 Trollius  
        The Spring NATUG meeting will provide an excellent opportunity
for old and new users to become acquainted with the latest tools
for developing parallel programs.   
                                            Tentative Program

                                   (First authors' affiliations shown)

TransAcq: real-time data acquisition and analysis system for
optical spectroscopy 
        Brad V. Duncan, Linda S. Powers, G.S. Stiles
        Department of Electrical Engineering
        Utah State University

The development of a visual telephone for the deaf: using
transputers for real-time image processing  
        Scott Galuska
        Department of Computer and Information Science
        University of Delaware

Using transputer in the design of high performance architectures
dedicated to the implementation of OSI transport protocol  
        Christophe Diot and Michel Ng.X.Dang 
        LGI Laboratory, IMAG

TCP/IP Networking using transputers  
        Roger M.A. Peel  
        Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
        University of Surrey

Revised simplex method on a network of T800 transputers  
        J. Luo, F. Bruggeman and G.L. Reijns 
        Faculty of Electrical Engineering
        Delft University

Transputer implementation of the EM algorithm for PET image
        Fred U. Rosenberger, Gerald C. Johns, David G. Politte, and
        Charles E. Molnar 
        Institute for Biomedical Computing
        Washington University
The fast multipole algorithm on transputer networks 
        John A. Board, Jr. and James F. Leathrum, Jr. 
        Department of Electrical Engineering
        Duke University

A parallel-processing subsystem for the generation of 3-D cardiac
images from CT 
        Scott R. Cannon and Stephen J. Allan 
        Department of Computer Science
        Utah State University

Molecular dynamics simulations on a systolic ring of transputers 

        K. Boehncke, H. Heller, H. Grubmuller, and K. Schulten 
        Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
        University of Illinois

Simulation of self-organizing neural nets: a comparison between a
transputer ring and a connection machine CM-2  
        K. Obermayer, H. Heller, H. Ritter, and K. Schulten 
        Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
        University of Illinois

Parallelizing using process-and-data-decomposition (PADD) approach
on a multi-ring transputer network-- an example  
        Hamid R. Arabnia and Mary R. Robinson 
        Department of Computer Science
        University of Georgia

Hardware voting of transputers in real-time nMR fault-tolerant
        J. Standeven and M.J. Colley 
        Department of Computer Science
        University of Essex

A real-time task scheduling scheme for loosely coupled systems 
        Ghasem S. Alijani and Shyn-Chang Su 
        Computer Science Department
        University of Wyoming

Transputer-based multi robot simulation  
        Hubertus Franke, D. Shea, and L.C. Zai 
        Department of Electrical Engineering
        Vanderbilt University

Partitioned, replicative neural networks for cooperative robot
        Martin J. Dudziak 
        Inmos Corporation

Multigraph for the transputer  
        Ben Abbott, Csaba Biegl, and Janos Sztipanovits 
        Department of Electrical Engineering
        Vanderbilt University

Graphical visualization of distributed algorithms 
        Oliver Vornberger and Klaus Zeppenfeld 
        Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
        University of Osnabruck                 

A visual programming system for the transputer  
        M. Roberts and P.M. Samwell 
        Centre for Information Engineering
        City University, London

An efficient and flexible implementation of ALT  
        S.W. Lau and F.C.M. Lau 
        Department of Computer Science
        University of Hong Kong

A dynamic distributed system using remote procedure calls in a
message passing system
        Tom Hintz and Mark Phillips 
        University of Technology
        Sydney, Australia
A virtual architecture for investigating dynamic load balancing on
transputer networks 
        I.A. Horton and S.J. Turner
        Department of Computer Science
        University of Exeter

Mapping search graphs onto arbitrary transputer networks (or making
PROLOG parallel) 
        Douglas Eadline
        Paralogic, Inc.

On the performance of ALT in Occam 
        K.M. Shea and F.C.M. Lau 
        Department of Computer Science
        University of Hong Kong

A transputer-based motion detection/tracking algorithm 
        Andrew P. Bernat and James Rupel 
        Department of Computer Science
        University of Texas at El Paso

Transputer fault-tolerant processor 
        Jorge L. Ortiz, Willie L. McCoy, and Michael M. Thomas 
        Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
        University of Puerto Rico

Applications of transputer interface to DSP vector processor
        Richard L. Tutwiler
        Pennsylvania State University

Object oriented modeling for sensor-guided real-time robot control 
        Ying Zhang 
        Department of Computer Science
        University of British Columbia 


                                    Program Registration Information 

*Early Registration is Strongly Advised 

NATUG ATTENDEE REGISTRATION FEE (includes: one copy of conference
proceedings, one continental breakfast, four meeting breaks, one
reception, and exhibit admission.  Additional copies of proceedings
available for 20% off list price.)    

Early:  $150.00 (Postmarked by 23 March 90)                Regular:  $200.00 

STUDENT REGISTRATION FEE (includes the same features as the NATUG
attendee without the proceedings)

        Early  $75.00                                      Regular $ 85.00 
*       Registration will be confirmed in writing and more information
        on travel and accommodations will be sent providing
        registration is received by March 23, 1990.

*       Registration cancellation must be confirmed in writing, and
        a penalty of 10% paid registration fee will be assessed.  No
        refund will be made if cancellation is postmarked after April
        21, 1990; however, registration (less 10% assessment) can be 
        applied toward a future NATUG Program. 

*       This NATUG Program meets the requirements for deductibility
        under the new Tax Reform; however, you should consult your own
        financial authority for specific interpretation.

*       For additional program/lodging information, call Executive
        Meeting Management at 1-800-828-7494 (9:00AM to 4:00PM EST).
                                       AIRLINE TRAVEL INFORMATION 

*       North American Transputer Users Group has appointed Executive
        Meeting Management and American Airlines as the official
        agency and air carrier for this meeting.

*       American Airlines (NATUG's Official Carrier for this meeting)
        will extend special conference rates to its hub in San Jose,
        CA.  A 40% discount on full day coach (7 day advance
        ticketing), and 5% discount on all published promotional

*       For information on reduced airfare reservations and ticketing
        assistance, call American Airlines Meeting Service Desk toll
        free at (800)433-1790.  Ask for a special Meeting Saver Fare
        and indicate NATUG's STAR File #S027Z0L3. 
                                     Conference Lodging Reservations

All Room reservations will be made directly with the Sheraton,
Sunnyvale, as well as all payments for room and tax.  NATUG's
special conference rate is $70.00 for single and double
reservations with a city tax of 8%.  Contact:

                                    Sheraton Sunnyvale Reservations 
                         101 at Hwy 237 Intersection, 1100 North Mathilda Ave. 
                                          Sunnyvale, CA 94089 
                                Phone: (408)748-6000  Fax: (408)734-8276 
                    Toll Free (800)325-3535 (Mention special conference rate) 

                Please complete this form and mail with appropriate payment to: 
                                      EXECUTIVE MEETING MANAGEMENT 
                                              P.O. BOX 434 
                                        CAMP HILL, PENNA. 17001 
                   (717)731-9295  TOLL FREE (800)828-74794  FAX (717)731-9276 
           NATUG Spring Conference, Sunnyvale, CA U.S.A - April 26 - 27, 1990 
Phone:_________________________ Title:____________________________ 

City, State, Zip:_________________________________________________ 
Will Spouse Attend:             Yes     No 

Areas of Interest:________________________________________________

VISA, MASTERCARD, AM. EXPRESS (Circle) Number:____________________

Signature:__________________________Expiration  Date:_____________ 
Events Requiring Tickets  (Please pay fees with registration ):
Thursday, April 26: 
Noon Luncheon  $11.50 per person -- $11.50 x ________ = _______  
Dinner(6:30PM) $16.50 per person -- $16.50 x ________ = _______  
Circle:  Red Snapper, Lemon Chicken, or Roast Sirloin 
Friday, April 27: 
Noon Luncheon  $15.25 per person -- $15.25 x ________ = _______  
                                               Total $_________  
              I have enclosed my registration fee of $_________ 

                              Total payment enclosed $_________