[comp.sys.transputer] Hardware or software problem?

K312240@AEARN.BITNET (Klaus Kusche) (03/15/90)

Dear Mailing List:

We had another problem with the Inmos Occam toolset, but I'm not sure
this time if it's a software bug, a hardware problem, or something else.

We have a truly parallel Occam program (two seperately compiled tasks
combined with "iconf"). The program is clean (compiled in halt mode,
with all compile-time checkings enabled, and without any low-level
code except for OutputOrFail.t and InputOrFail.t) and runs with no
problem when configured for a single transputer.

On all multi-transputer configurations we tried, the versions compiled
with combined vector space (/v) work fine, whereas the default
(seperate vector space) versions crash on some configurations and
work on others. They just hang at unreproducible stages, no error flag

Now the question is: Is this a software problem, ie. is it possible that
'/v' makes a difference, or is it more likely a hardware problem?
I've tested links and memory, they seem to be ok. (it is also not due to
lack of memory...).

Can a transputer crash on overload (the program is completely trivial,
it just pumps data at highest possible speed on all links from one end
of the machine to the other...)?

I just want to know if I have to investigate a software problem, or
if I can defer the problem to the hardware people. Thanks for any

* Klaus Kusche                                                         *
* Research Institute for Symbolic Computation                          *
* Johannes Kepler University           Tel: +43 7236 3231 67           *
* A-4040 Linz                          Telex: (Austria) 22323 uni li a *
* Austria (Europe)                     Fax: +43 7236 3231 30           *
*                                                                      *
* Bitnet:           K312240@AEARN                                      *
* Arpa/CS/Internet: K312240%AEARN.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU               *
* UUCP:             mcvax!aearn.bitnet!K312240                         *
* Janet:            k312240@earn.aearn or k312240%aearn@earn-relay     *