[comp.sys.transputer] Transputer Type Id

MARK16@cluster.middlesex.ac.uk (03/20/90)

A current research project in our department is the development
of a network tester to look at system configuration and link 
activity. We have studied the various example programs supplied
within the occam TDS system but we can not find any reference to
how we could use a worm program to identify the type of processors
in the system ie T800 or T414 etc.
Can any one help ?

Many Thanks

Mark Stoker
Transputer Research Group      Tel. 01-368-1299 x7493
Middelsex Polytechnic          Fax. 01-361-1726
Bounds Green Road
London N11 2NQ

COMS0303@WAIKATO.AC.NZ (03/20/90)

The lddevid (load device identity) loads the A register with an integer
that depends on the transputer type. 

My spec of it says that its a NO-OP on the T414a, T414b, T212a and T222c
On the T800b, T800c and T800d it leaves the A register undefined, and
pops the value of C into B.

On the most up-to-date transputers it loads a value into A as follows:

T425  0-9    (there is a range of values for each type)
T805 10-19
T801 20-29
T225 40-49

The details are in the second edition of the INMOS "Transputer Databook"

Ian Graham, University of Waikato, NZ