For some insight on Transputers, read note 1 "What makes Transputers interesting" and its answers. It will give you some ideas. For more information, read the Inmos documentation and/or articles on Transputers. For Helios, I am sorry to admit that I don't know anything about it. That'll be all for today... Dominique Grabas, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (11/10/89)
Are there any Helios buffs out there? I'm almost embarrassed to ask this question, but I've spent some time trying to answer it from the Prentice-Hall book - without success - so: A port is presumably used by at least two parties, one sending a message and the other receiving the message. One of them will have to create the port using NewPort. How does the other party find out the identification of the port? - in particular, if the two parties are on different processors? John Wexler
homeis@cs3.ifistg.uucp (05/02/90)
On 27 Apr 90 Tommy Leemann, Zurich, Switzerland, said: >>* If I connect my transputers to a 2-D-grid ... >.... I guess your resource map doesn't correspond >to your actual hardware configuration. I am quite sure that my resource map is ok. May be the reason is my small memory (250 KB per node). >>* Helios crashes a lot of times ... >We had similar crash problems. The PC-server probably doesn't have enough >memory and doesn't care to tell you about. Try to give as much as possible >DOS-memory to the PC-server. With version 1.1A we don't have that problem. >Here the server doesn't start with too little memory! My server has 640 KB PC memory. And server crashes are not the only crashes. >>* It is impossible to redirect the stderr, so we could never save ... >We havn't had such problems at all. In our makefile we always redirect the >error output into files. Could You please post an example? >>* After a while one ore more transputers die without a recognizable ... >No idea. Couldn't this be the result of a wild program damaging Helios >resources on that transputer? This happens even if *no* user programs are running. Thank You for Your Reply. -------------- Dieter Homeister, Universitaet Stuttgart, Institut fuer parallele und verteilte Hoechstleistungsrechner (IPVR) 7000 Stuttgart 1, Azenbergstr. 12, Tel 0711-121-1342, W-Germany e-mail
alan@perisl.UUCP (Alan Cosslett) (05/03/90)
On 25 Apr 90 Dieter Homeister, University Stuttgart said >1. Reset Problems ================= The original driver im_ra_b4.d was designed when we did not have any boards with more than one processor and does not work with more than two processors. A new driver tram_ra.d (shipped with Helios 1.1a), which is designed for use with the INMOS reset scheme on more than one processor, solves the problems encountered with the previous driver >* Helios 1.1 cannot boot more than 19 processors As Tommy Leemann has correctly pointed out the only reason that Helios does not boot more than 19 transputers is due to a restriction built in to the standard version of Helios to enforce a licensing restriction. Helios is currently running on a 128 processor Parsytec Supercluster. Please contact DSL for more details if you need to run on more than 20 processors. >>* If I connect my transputer to a 2-D grid >... small memory (250 KB per node) We recomend that Helios runs on transputers with not less than 1 MegaByte of memory. If you want to use transputers with less memory we recomend that you mark them as NATIVE in the resource map and run code in them using out stand alone compiler. If anyone has any difficulties booting certain hardware configuration could they please contact us directly. >* Helios crashes a lot ... We have tested Helios 1.1a on a 128 processor box for several days without crashing. One copy of Helios even survived the San Fransisco Earthquake !!!. We also have a report of Helios running for 13 days at which the Sun being used as host crashed even though Helios kept going. >* The editor is totally undocumented ... Current version of Helios are sent out with a booklet about emacs. Please contact DSL if you need a copy. >* The memory management is full of errors ... As the transputer does not implement memory protection there is no way that we can protect the system from `unfriendly / buggy' programs that corrupt memory. If any programs mess up free memory then malloc is very likely to crash if memory has been corrupted. The lack of virtual memory also means that it is impossible to stop programs fragmenting memory (although giving suitable heap size to programs with objed can reduce the problem.) All the problems sent to technical support so far pertaining to illustrate a problem with malloc / free have been tracked down to memory corruption in the example program !. You can use the command map to monitor memory fragmentation. >* The documentation of the resource maps ... Yes the original documentation could have been better, since the original documentation was released we have produced a number of technical notes and guides, such as `The CDL Guide', to try and improve things. We are currently putting a lot of effort into getting the documentation right for Helios version 1.2 (Provisionally available NOV/DEC 90) >* It is impossible to redirect stderr ... Yes there is a problem here. Due to the distributed nature of Helios all messages must be retryable, this means that reads and writes contain not only the data and amount of data to write but also the position to write the data this in turn means that when you use >& from the shell to redirect sdout and stderr to a file both stream send writes to the same file but including their position so the data is written on top of itself. In Helios 1.2 we are thinking of solving this problem by not allowing the redirection of stderr and sdout together but allowing seperate redirection to different files. If you really want to use >& at present try redirecting the output to the /ram server e.g. make >& /00/ram/fred as this works at present. >* The stack check of the c compiler doesn't work We have had no problems with the stack checking could you send us more details ? >* the error return codes are ugly ... Use the fault command to get a more user friendly message. If you get the message exec format error try typing fault on its own with no arguments to get further information. >* the helios message passing mechanism should be documented with more examples ... The average user program should not need to use message passing directly but should use the CDL and pipes for the communication between programs. The use of pipes is NOT inefficient under Helios see technical note 22 for more details. The only time you need to know about the message passing in detail is if you are writing new Helios servers. >* sometimes user programs started by the shell script don't start ... Without more deatils I cannot comment on the above. Version 1.1a has fixed a few bugs to do with the CDL which meant that sometimes programs did not run. >* After a while one or more transputers die We have not had any problems in Version 1.1a of this nature due to software. We have had similar problems that have turned out to be due to faulty hardware. >* Helios is non-deterministic. So it is hard to reproduce errors. You're telling us !!!. Try debugging an operating systen without memory protection. >* Helios boots very slowly We are currently working on this area and anyone trying to boot very large transputer networks should contact us. I hope the above has answered some of your questions ---------------- Alan Cosslett Technical Support Perihelion Software Limited The Maltings, Charlton Road, Shepton Mallet Somerset, BA4 5QE, ENGLAND Tel [+44] (0)749 344203 Fax [+44] (0)749 344977 email alan@perisl.uucp ----------------- Distributed Software Limited (DSL) 670 Azrec West, Bristol BS12 4SD, ENGLAND Tel [+44] (0)454 612777 Fax [+44] (0)454 618188