[comp.sys.transputer] Linda/transputer: preliminary report available

zenith-steven@cs.yale.edu (Steven Ericsson Zenith) (05/25/90)

Linda coordination language; subsystem kernel architecture (on transputers)
Yale Research Report RR794.

Steven Ericsson Zenith.
Yale University.
Department of Computer Science.
New Haven, Connecticut. USA.
25th May 1990.

This paper gives a summary outline of the Linda model of parallelism
outlines the optimizations used by the current C-Linda compiler to
transform tuple space interactions, and further eval transformations
which provide effective process distribution and scheduling. The
architecture of a machine (constructed from transputers) and
implementation strategy used to provide a kernel to support this
compiler are presented.

Funding for this work was provided in part by NSF grants CCR--8657615.

Requests for copies of this and other Linda papers can be directed to:



.                                                                        .
Steven Ericsson Zenith              *            email: zenith@cs.yale.edu
Department of Computer Science      |            voice: (203) 432 1278
Yale University 51 Prospect Street New Haven CT 06520 USA.
     "All can know beauty as beauty only because there is ugliness"