[comp.sys.transputer] Novice Transputer Student needs...

rvp@cbnewsh.att.com (rob.v.phillips) (07/11/90)

I am working with a 386 25mhz machine with vga graphics.
To rotate a globe in arbitrary directions, with a map
of the world, is my goal, where the globe has a diameter
of about 500 pixels, with about 10K white pixels (for
country borders) on a blue
circle, with black borders around the circle. My machine may
lack the power to display 30 frames/sec, and compute the
3d transformations of all of the points, so I read about
a transputer in a Byte article of about a year ago.

Apart from that article and reading about 10 news items in
this group, I have no more experience with transputers.
Could some kind soul(s) give me some pointers as to
available transputer cards, good books on transputers and Occam,
the (im?)possibility of accomplishing this goal on my machine
with a brand x transputer? 