[comp.sys.transputer] Alsys Ada for Transputers

haaser@CAPSRV.JHUAPL.EDU ("S A HAASER, 6-41") (09/14/90)

	I have been evaluating the Alsys Ada Compiler for Transputers for a
while now.  This is Version 4.4 of the PC-hosted flavor.  I would be
interested to hear others' general experiences with this system.  Are other 
people using this compiler?  Single/few/many transputer systems?
	My current specific concern deals with data transfer rates using
multiple links at the same time.  It appears that I am having difficulties
with the iserver/Ada interface when I have several tasks running in the
"root" transputer.  The system hangs at trying to do text_io to the PC
	All comments, opinions, and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
=  Steven A. Haaser	       |  haaser@capsrv.jhuapl.edu               =
=  Johns Hopkins University    |  +1 (301) 792-6597                      =
=  Applied Physics Laboratory  |                                         =
=  Johns Hopkins Road          |                                         =
=  Laurel, MD  20723-6099      |                                         =