[comp.sys.transputer] Occam without transputers

karia@delhi.UUCP (Raju Karia xt.57370) (09/25/90)

This is in response to the message sent by Mark Edmonds of Philips Research.

Basically what you're proposing is what many programming environments for
transputer systems have to offer, e.g. Meiko CSTools, Parasoft Express,
Trollius etc. However, I dont think any existing environments offer the ability
to program a network of workstations with Occam. All support C and Fortran.

At INTEVEP, we have a large network of Sun 3's and 4's and are looking at
the various parallel programming environments available to program them.
We'd be very interested in trying your implementation.

         Raju Karia,
         INTEVEP S.A.,
         Apartado 76343,
         Caracas 1070,
         Tel : (58)(2)908-7413