[comp.sys.transputer] Trollius papers: anonymous ftp

raja@osc.edu (Raja Daoud) (10/26/90)

This is to announce that copies of the published Trollius papers and
the Trollius reference manuals listed below are available (in postscript
format) via anonymous ftp from Ohio State.

The machine is: suna.osc.edu [] 
The files are in the pub/Trollius directory, in tar/compressed format.
One file (papers.tar.Z) contains the published papers, the other (docs.tar.Z)
the Trollius manuals.



- All About Trollius
  Greg Burns, Vibha Radiya, Raja Daoud, Raghu Machiraju
  Occam Users' Group Newsletter - 1990

- The Performance/Functionality Dilemma of Multicomputer Message Passing
  Gregory D. Burns, Raja B. Daoud
  IEEE Proceedings of the Fifth Distributed Memory Computing Conference - 1990

- A Local Area Multicomputer
  Gregory D. Burns
  Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Hypercubes, Concurrent Computers,
  and Applications - 1989

- Trollius: Early American Transputer Software
  Gregory D. Burns
  Parallelogram, 1989 (Issue 13)

- Trollius Operating System
  Gregory D. Burns, Andrew K. Pfiffer, David L. Fielding, Alison A. Brown
  Proceeding of the Third Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers
  and Applications - 1988


- Trollius User's Reference
- Tutorial Introduction to Trollius for C Programmers
- Tutorial Introduction to Trollius for FORTRAN Programmers
- Trollius Reference Manual for C Programmers
- Trollius Reference Manual for FORTRAN Programmers
- The Trollius CrOS III Compatible Library
- Trollius 2.0 Release Notes
- Trollius Installation Guide
Raja Daoud					raja@twilight.osc.edu
Trollius Operating System			(614) 292-4123
Ohio Supercomputer Center			Trollius Factory Outlet
The Ohio State University			3.0: The Big Picture