[comp.sys.transputer] Transputer Instruction Set/Compiler Writer's Guide errata sheet

des@frogland.inmos.co.uk (David Shepherd) (11/27/90)

Here is a list of known "bugs"/"features" in the Transputer Instruction
Set/Compiler Writer's Guide book.

If you are aware of any others please email me with details
(des@inmos.co.uk or des@inmos.com) so that I can update this list.

david shepherd


1) I am not, nor ever have been, a member of the documentation group at
INMOS and thus I have no knowledge of what they are producing for more
recent transputer variants (e.g. T425) or even H-1 so don't bother
asking me!

2) Please do not send me your list of "everything I always wanted to
know about the transputer instruction set" questions as I don't have
time to handle such questions.


                          Transputer Instruction Set
                           A compiler writer's guide
                                 Errata sheet

                                David Shepherd

                               November 27, 1990

This is an ascii-ized  version of a LaTeX document.   Unavailable symbols have
been replaced by words were necessary.

Page Line      Date Description

  38   20 21-jun-90 Add  to  end of  paragraph "stoperr  also  saves the
                    Iptr  of  an erroneous  process  in (Wptr-1)  before
                    scheduling  the  next  process  to  allow it  to  be
                    analyzed or restarted later."
  46   16 10-jan-90 The  workspace  pointer  must  have  the same  value
                    at  each of  the alt,  altwt,  altend and  enable or
                    disable  instructions.   It may however  be changed,
                    for  example,  while  evaluating an  argument to  an
                    enable  instruction.  However,  (Wptr-3) must not be
                    changed between the alt and altend.
  55   -2 28-jun-90 bracketting wrong - should be
                    and  exists m:Z, r:[-pi,pi] .  x =  (m times 2 pi) +
                    r and (r = x, REM, 2 pi)
  65   -1 10-apr-89 should   read  "... this   will  include   the  most
                    significant bit ... "
  67   -6 21-jun-90 Add new paragraph:
                    The  current process must not be descheduled between
                    the move2dinit and the actual 2d move instruction.
  78 1-13  1-sep-88 Descriptions  of j  and lend  should state  that the
                    jump  has  not  been taken  rather  than  has as  in
                    original  version.   Descriptions  of stopp,  in and
                    out  should also say that Wptr-1 has been set to the
                    value of Iptr.
 84     -12  7-aug-90 add a new section


                      MemStart  is  the address  of the  first  word above
                      the  special  RAM  locations at  the  bottom of  the
                      memory  map.  Because  different transputer variants
                      store  different  information in  these  special RAM
                      locations  MemStart differs  between variants.   The
                      values for current processors are
                       IMS T212 #8024
                       IMS T414 #80000048
                       IMS T425 #80000070
                       IMS T800 #80000070
                      the  values for these  and other variants  are given
                      in the relevant datasheets.
 85       8  7-nov-89 "(Wptr-3)  ... contains the  address of the  data to
                      be  transferred."   Instead  of "... address  of the
                      channel being used."
 91     -10 21-jun-90 should be ldnlp x-offset not ldlp x-offset
 92       4 22-jul-88 "ldl x; E; wsub" should be "E; ldl x; wsub"
117      -1 22-aug-88 Code for out should be #0B
118   -7,-6  3-nov-88 Cycles for lsum and ldiff should be 3 not 2
118     -15 21-jun-90 Change  the  Cycles for  stoperr to  "dagger"  as it
                      depends  on the error state - the value given is for
                      when the error is not set.
120 -10- -7  8-feb-89 Cycles   for  fpldnlsn,   fpldnldb,   fpldnlsni  and
                      fpldnldbi should be 2,4,4 and 6 respectively.
131      -2 23-aug-90 Far  too  many "the's"  -  the "the  the" should  be
132    9-12 30-oct-89 Should be ByteMem and not Mem
134      20 31-aug-88 In specification of call add
                      Breg' = undefined
                      Creg' = undefined
134      24 26-jun-90 0 7! NextInst not Iptr
135 -17,-15  9-jul-90 delete  "or (Areg =  -1 and Breg  = -2**(wordlength-
                      1))" and the corresponding term 2 lines below
136 -17,-11 16-oct-89 should  be  "Areg <=(unsigned)  wordlength"  in both
140   13,26 26-jun-90 occuring spelt wrong
142     -11 23-mar-89 should   read  ... `schedule  next  waiting  process
                      saving Iptr in current workspace'
142      -4 25-jun-90 condition of implication should be
                      "Areg <= Breg < 2 x Areg"
150      -9 21-jun-90 should be "@value" and not "value"
152     6,7 13-sep-88 both occurences of Breg should be Breg x 2
159   18,25 20-jun-90 The  precondition  fv FAreg "in" [MinINT32,MaxINT32]
                      should be removed.  Line 25 should be
                      Mem' = Mem "overwrite" f Areg "mapsto"
                       (RETYPE []INT(INT"infinity" TRUNC pack(FAreg))[0]g

Remember, the  Transputer Instruction Set book  only covers the IMS  T212, IMS
T414 and IMS T800.  Subsequent transputers have some additional features which
are not  documented here.   Additional  documentation should be  available for

david shepherd: des@inmos.co.uk or des@inmos.com    tel: 0454-616616 x 529
                inmos ltd, 1000 aztec west, almondsbury, bristol, bs12 4sq
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