[comp.sys.transputer] Concurrent Programming Course

conrad@wucs1.wustl.edu (H. Conrad Cunningham) (01/03/91)

	I am developing a new course on "concurrent programming"
targeted at advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students.
The prerequisite for the course will probably be our introductory operating
systems course.  For this course I want to emphasize concurrency
concepts and programming techniques rather than survey the available
architectures and languages.  I would like a significant component of
this course to be programming exercises--a sequence of several small
exercises focussing on various techniques rather than one or two
larger projects.  The computing equipment available on my department's
ethernet includes a network of 386- and 286-based PCs, a small
PC-hosted transputer system, and a heterogeneous collection of Unix
systems (Sun 3 and 4, AT&T 3B2, ESIX on a 386).  Various mainframe
systems are also available outside through the University's computer
center (IBM, CDC, soon Cray).  The only system that can be dedicated
to this class is the transputer.  Typical students will be familiar
with the Pascal and C programming languages when they enroll in the

*  What books do you suggest as possible texts?  Most of the
books that I have seen either consist of a survey of languages and/or
architectures or focus on one system not available to my students.

* What about software to support this class?

* Any comments on the content or approach that should be taken in this course?

I'll post a summary of the responses that I receive.

H. Conrad Cunningham              |  Title:     Assistant Professor
Dept. of Computer & Info. Science |  Telephone: (601) 232-5358    Fax: 232-7010
The University of Mississippi     |  Internet:  cunningham@cs.olemiss.edu
302 Weir Hall                     |--------------------------------------------
University, MS  38677  U.S.A.     |  