[comp.sys.transputer] Transputer Info

mmcp@sdsu.UUCP ( mmcp) (02/24/89)

I would like to get some entry level information on transputers,
especially detailed architecture overviews and general discussions
on applications. Also, I would be interested in finding out about 
what environments exist above the hardware level, i.e. programming
languages, etc. I am evaluating the possibility of developing such
an environment as a Masters thesis, for example, developing a backend
to either Smalltalk or C++ which would take advantage of the hardware. 
I would appreciate any information on where best to introduce myself to
and learn about transputers ( other than this group ).

Thanks for any and all responses.

Syd Logan -- San Diego State University

eprice@sagpd1.UUCP (Eric Price) (02/25/89)

>I would like to get some entry level information on transputers,
> ... stuff deleted ...
>and learn about transputers ( other than this group ).
>Thanks for any and all responses.
>Syd Logan -- San Diego State University

	Syd ,

    I am currently employed as a software engineer at Scientific Atlanta
    here in San Diego . My interest in the transputer is in using it as
    a concurrent real time signal/image processing graphics engine. This
    fall I will be attending SDSU for my MS degree. Perhaps we could get
    together and kick around some ideas on how to use this interesting


						Eric Gene Price
						Ph (619) 449-6538	home
						   (619) 541-7520	work

	    Stupidity ...
	    is like hydrogen ...
	    it's one of the fundamental building blocks of the universe
	    look around: and you will see no shortage of it

phpgdrk@ph.surrey.ac.uk (D R K Rao) (03/01/89)

To Syd Logan,

           There are quite a few books available at the moment

relating to transputers and occam. I have listed some of the

ones that I have found useful:

    (1)      Transputer reference manual
                  --an inmos book and published by prentice hall

    (2)     Inmos technical notes as listed in appendix C.2 of

                      reference manual.

            and also

            papers and extracts by inmos authors as in
                      appendix C.3 of the reference manual


            papers and extracts as shown in appendix C4.

    (3)     Programming in OCCAM2 by Alan Burn

                   -- Addison Wesley

    (4)     Occam 2 reference manual  from Inmos

                   -- published by Prentice Hall.

                These should be a reasonably good strating point.

           Good luck and good hunting.

                            Ramesh Rao

                        e-mail:   phpgdrk@uk.ac.surrey.ph

mmcp@sdsu.UUCP ( mmcp) (03/10/89)

I am posting this message to thank those who responded to my plea for
information on transputers. To some of you I tried returning mail but
had problems, in particular:

	To Dyke Stiles of Utah State University: I would appreciate
	any info that you can e-mail to me or, if you prefer, I 
	will pay postage for U.S. mail delivery of the papers that
        you offered. I can be reached in care of Systems Integrated,
        10635 Scripps Ranch Blvd., Suite F, San Diego Ca. 92131.

I would also like to thank Colin Plumb for his introduction to 
programming in Transputer assembly language.

Thanks again.

Syd Logan, San Diego State University ( #3 party school in U.S.A, 
					not bad in C.S. either. ) 

moses@nadc.nadc.navy.mil (Bill Moses) (02/25/91)

In response to John Roberts <johnr@metheus.uucp>

> Does anyone out there have a list of all currently available transputers
> along with some information on major differences between them?  I'm
> mainly interested in the differences in instruction set, say between the
> T414 and T425 and whatever else is current.

try calling one of the following numbers.

	(714) 957-6018 Orange County, CA
	(408) 727-7771 Santa Clara, CA
	(301) 995-6952 Columbia, MD
	(617) 229-2550 Burlington, MA
	(214) 466-8844 Carrollton, TX

These are the Inmos Regional Technology Centers. Someone there should
be able to answer your questions.

Bill <Moses.NADC.NAVY.MIL>