[comp.sys.transputer] VECLIB

PVR@be.ac.rug.autoctrl (03/01/91)

Dear mailing list,
I received a demonstration disk of the VECLIB libraries for the transputer
and I was impressed by the performance. Has anyone done a comparison of
this vector library with the Mark 2, BLAS, those from TopExpress, Parsytec,
Numerical Analysis and the others there may be ?
Does anyone of you know if the VECLIB version for 3L gives problems when
you use it with the occam Toolset ?
Finally, does anyone know if the VECLIB already contains FFT, IFFT etc ?
Patrick Van Renterghem                  pvr@bgerug51.bitnet (EARN)
Belgium                                 pvr@autoctrl.rug.ac.be

sjb@transtech.UUCP (Manager Systems Division) (03/02/91)

> Dear mailing list,
> I received a demonstration disk of the VECLIB libraries for the transputer
> and I was impressed by the performance. Has anyone done a comparison of
> this vector library with the Mark 2, BLAS, those from TopExpress, Parsytec,
> Numerical Analysis and the others there may be ?
> Does anyone of you know if the VECLIB version for 3L gives problems when
> you use it with the occam Toolset ?
> Finally, does anyone know if the VECLIB already contains FFT, IFFT etc ?
> Patrick Van Renterghem                  pvr@bgerug51.bitnet (EARN)
> Belgium                                 pvr@autoctrl.rug.ac.be

Sinectonalysis has just finished porting VECLIB to GENESYS. We have not been 
able to establish an exact comparison with other libraries but in view the 
levels of performance being achieved I would be surprised if there would be 
anything available which is significantly faster.

VECIB offers over 350 vector primitives to accelerate vector/matrix,
singnal processing and neural network operations. The library is hand 
coded in T800 assembler.

Alexander Orenshteyn (of Sinectonalysis) has got fft routines, as the
results below indicate.  If there are VECLIB users out there who do
not have his FFTs he would more than likely be willing to sort them

His phone number is:	(617) 527 5807

The following results were obtained with his library routines being
accessed from C under GENESYS.


A 1024 point complex FFT is computed in 32.9 milliseconds running on 
a 25MHz T800. The following results are also obtained on a 25MHz T800:

Function Name	Desc			Performance (MFLOPS)
					Double	Single

vmuladd		vector scalar		1.03	1.60
		multiply, add

vdot		dot product		1.42	2.05

vsum		sum-up vector		2.11	2.29

vnorm2		norm of vector		1.67	2.33

vmulalpha	scale by constant	0.61	1.06

vaddalpha	add constant		0.94	1.35

vsquare		square comps.		0.62	1.04

vmax		find max		0.80	0.94

  _/   S.J.Bradshaw		   		   sjb@transtech.com
 _/_/  Manager, Systems Division,  ..!theory.tn.cornell.edu!
_/_/_/ Transtech Parallel Systems Corp.,    		  cayuga!sjb
 _/_/  120 Langmuir Laboratories,		Phone (607) 257 6502
  _/   95 Brown Road, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA     FAX   (607) 257 3980