[comp.sys.transputer] Trollius 2.1 Oh

gdburns@TBAG.OSC.EDU (Greg Burns) (03/22/91)

Ohio Trollius 2.1 is in release.  We don't make releases very
often because we put alot into them.  A complete list of new
or changed features and fixed bugs accompanies the release.
Most importantly, 2.1 runs "out of the can" on
Meiko VCS, Transtech MCP and Inmos B014.  We will next support
the Parsytec VME boards, our fourth and probably last transputer
system port.  With support from Inmos, we will definitely support
the added features of the H1.  Otherwise we will port to the
iWarp or i860 or maybe even 80386.  I would like to be one
of the last people standing on the field with Intel before
they crush me like an empty Budweiser can.

I still think the transputer is a great chip with a unique role
in the distributed memory MIMD market.

Ohio Trollius licenses are $300 US which includes all source and
documentation.  Trollius must be accompanied by the Logical
Systems Transputer Toolset, which costs $995 US for source or
$595 US for binaries.  A reasonable level of consultation is
provided on an ongoing basis.  Updates are free.  An individual
training course in Trollius/C, Trollius/F77 or Trollius internals
is available and without fee.

Greg Burns				gdburns@tbag.osc.edu
Trollius Project Leader			(614) 292-8492
Research Computing			The Ohio State University
Trollius Factory Outlet			3.0: The Big Picture